Part LVIX: Sandcastle

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Liam's face went red, and Kiki laughed as Tasha continued.

"And it's a little bit too cold in the water for me to want to go boogie boarding with Matt and Sara."

She returned her shades to their original place and settled back in her chair.

"Plus, I don't want a third wheel. And if I did that, I'd be denying you two the view."

She shimmied her chest a bit for emphasis, and Liam rolled his eyes.

Kiki, he noticed did not look up or laugh at that. And he thought he caught a bit of extra color on her bronze cheeks.

Tasha did look incredible, but that wasn't necessarily anything new.

She was wearing a tie dye swimsuit today, the thin white cover up she'd worn on the way over bunched up in their bags on one of the towels. It covered more than the swimsuit she'd worn on New Year's, in that from what Liam had seen, it actually covered the decent part of her ass, and a lot more of her chest. The amount of skin Tasha did or didn't show, didn't really ever seem to make a difference in how good she looked though, as the wild colors on this one made it even more eye-catching.

Kiki was actually wearing the more revealing suit.

She wore a long sleeve, pink, red, and white cut off top--Liam had a hard time deciding whether or not it was a rash guard, or just a swimsuit top cut that way--covering her chest, but her bottoms didn't really cover much of anything. And Liam had to admit to himself, that he'd caught himself staring a few times. He didn't necessarily feel bad about it because he caught Tasha--and Matt and Sarah before they'd gone into the water--staring once or twice, and he was pretty sure Blake would have too, if she was here. Kiki just had an amazing ass.

It also didn't hurt that the bright colors contrasted very nicely with her dark, bronze skin.

He'd also noticed Kiki checking out Tasha quite a few times today. More than usual.

Taking the thought away for later--he hadn't yet decided if he was going to bring that up with Kiki, or Tasha, if at all--he went back to building his and Kiki's sandcastle.

By the time Matt and Sarah came back--Looking like they'd walked straight off a photo shoot or film set in the sleek wet suits that clung to their figures--Liam and Kiki had mostly finished the seawall, and the front inner wall for the town.

"Damn," Matt said, setting his boogie board down in the sand next to the towels, "You guys are really going all out on this, aren't you?"

Liam grinned up at Matt, " what's even the point of coming to the beach if you don't build the sandcastle?"

Kiki shot him a grin, "Exactly!"

Liam was very glad for her company. He usually did this whenever he, Kekoa, and Nalani came to the beach together. The two of them had been busy today, though making Liam especially glad that Kiki had wanted to come along with him, Tasha, and Matt and Sarah. When Kiki had first wanted to join him with the sandcastle, Liam had been worried that it might make Tasha feel like a fifth wheel, but she had proving that she was perfectly fine relaxing in the sun, occasionally engaging with them or poking fun at them.

Matt shook his head, unzipping the wet suit, well Sara laughed, doing the same. Liam had to occupy himself to avoid staring at Matt's girlfriend. He knew that Sara, like Tasha, didn't really care, He probably shouldn't regardless of Sara or Matt's feelings.

Thinking about that made it Liam miss Blake. For a moment, he stopped digging and let his mind wander, vision focusing on nothing as he imagined Blake here with him and his friends.

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