Part LIV: A New Year

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Marie bit her lip as she looked at the picture of Lexi on her buzzing phone. For the briefest moment, she thought about just letting it go to voicemail. She'd promised Lexi , so if she answered, she would need to go through with that and tell her what had happened.

Avoiding her call is also breaking your promise, though.

"That Lexi?" Em asked, looking up from her French Toast and scrambled eggs.

Marie nodded, still biting her lip.

Em nodded toward the stairs, "You should take that. I think it would be good for you to talk to her about yesterday."

Marie knew she couldn't avoid it, and that even if Lexi could only text her about not picking up, Em would badger her about it all day.

With a sigh, Marie answered the call as she started toward the stairs, going up to Em's room. She tried to force a smile as she answered.

"Hey. Happy New Year."

"Hey. It doesn't sound like it's all that happy. Are you okay to talk about whatever it was?"

Marie was silent as she stepped into Em's room and close the door behind her, leaning against it.


Marie sighed again, pinching the bridge of her nose, "Honestly, not really. But I think talking about it will probably help."

"I'm listening."

Marie smiled just a little bit at that.

"I...ran into my ex yesterday."

"Liam? I thought you said he was from California. What's he doing--?"

"My ex from before Liam," Marie said, cutting her off, "Sorry. That was rude. I just--"

"Don't apologize. See? I can be rude, too."

Marie felt a little bit warmer at that. A little bit more confident that she could tell Lexi what happened.

"I ran into Dan."

"I don't think you've mentioned him before. Have you?"

Marie shook her head, "No. Things didn't really end well between us, so they don't like talking about him. Seeing him yesterday..."

She trailed off, pausing for a moment then took a deep breath before continuing.

"He was my high school boyfriend. When we first started dating, he was really sweet and romantic for a while, but then he started to seem like he was pulling away."

Marie paused to bite her lip, shame making her throat grow tight.

"So I started putting out. We hadn't slept together yet, only fooled around a little bit, and I'd never had a boyfriend before and I didn't want it to stop. He seemed so amazing. Once we started sleeping together, we were better again...but at some point, I think it was just sex. We had a lot of sex, and I kept trying to make sure that he was interested in me, and wouldn't want to break up."

A lump formed in Mary's throat, and she had to swallow it before continuing, "I tried blowing him once, but he said I was bad at it, so I tried anal on my own to see if it was something that I might like doing with him, but I didn't like it, so then I kept stressing out about what to do to keep him interested, and just kept having more and more sex with him."

Marie paused again, sinking down to the carpet with her back against the door, and wrapped one arm around her knees. Speaking the words made her feel shitty all over again, but she knew she needed to do it. She couldn't let Dan keep making her feel this awful.

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