Part XXI: Jamie

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Blake shimmied from side-to-side a bit as she pushed her cart down pasta aisle toward the back of the Trader Joes where they kept all their boxes of tea, Hollywood Undead blasting in her earphones.

She had a list today, rather than just letting the spirit of Joe guide her from aisle to aisle, though that was never completely avoidable. Blake hadn't been able to resist picking up two new seasonal drinks, some hot cocoa, and three snacks including a giant chocolate bar with pretzels and salted caramel in it that would definitely strain her discipline over break.

I'm just glad I don't break out as much anymore from chocolate.

She would if she ate half the bar in a day, but Blake knew she could resist that, thankfully.

Depending on how good it is, at least.

Taking a deep breath as she came to a stop in front of the tea wall, Blake cocked her hips and bit her bottom lip as she inspected the teas.

The main one she'd come for was the English Breakfast tea, since she and her grandparents both enjoyed that, but the Early Grey was always good, and the Irish Breakfast looked interesting.

I need a non-caffeinated one, though. Otherwise my sleep schedule will be even more fucked than the jet lag made it.

They had chamomile at home, but that was night-time tea, not something she liked to just drink during the middle of the day when she wanted something warm and tasty and had already had too much hot cocoa.

After a few minutes of scanning the wall, Blake took the English Breakfast, Earl Grey, and a Blood Orange Rooibos that wasn't caffeinated. She almost got more, but reminded herself that she was only going to be here a few more weeks and didn't need to fill up her grandparents' pantry or pack tea in her suitcase when she went back to Boston.


Every muscle in Blake's body tensed at the sound of her name, dropping the box of rooibos tea into her cart.

For a moment, she hesitated, wondering if she could just ignore the person--she did have earbuds in, after all.

"Hey, Blake, that is you."

Blake swallowed.


Blake recognized the voice even through her loud screaming music this time. Her stomach tensed, and a lump formed in her throat.

He's going to come over, so just get it over with.

Blake glanced toward the voice--she didn't know whether it was some sort of morbid curiosity or just an old reaction--and her mind became a whirlwind.

Jamie looked just as handsome as he had the last time Blake had seen him.

The Caesar cut was always a bit much, but it worked for him, especially with his dark hair. He was still lean, but had filled out a bit more. He'd pierced his, wearing studs at each lobe, and he still had the annoyingly attractive jawline she'd loved to kiss over and over again.

He was wearing black still, but it just looked like a causal choice instead of an intentional one like before.

Jamie's voice, and finally seeing him again after so long, brought up a whirlwind of revulsion and desire in Blake that filled her with self-loathing, and she wanted to shrink down and hide behind the cart.

When his green eyes met hers, he grinned that stupid, charming, confident grin, and started heading over, a basket cart hanging from the crook of his elbow.

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