Part V: I Don't Know Yet

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V: Liam

Liam grinned at Tasha as he hefted his firepit and the duralog out of her trunk, handing her the latter.

"I think this is the one time you haven't been able to find something suitable for the weather that also shows off your body," he said as he slammed the trunk closed.

Tasha raised an eyebrow, violet eyes sparkling. She shifted the duralog under one arm, holding their InNOut bag in the other, and smirked as she pulled her windbreaker's zipped halfway down.

Liam's eyes bulged at the very generous boob-window in the knit sweater Tasha had worn underneath, face hot.

Tasha laughed, throwing her head back as she zipped the sweater back up.

"Never underestimate me on that," she chided, "Between Sara and I, I'll find a way."

Liam shook his head, "You two are ridiculous."

"I prefer 'insane', thank you."

Liam raised an eyebrow as Tasha locked the car and they headed onto the beach.

Despite the late hour, it was fairly light out. Clouds covered a lot of the sky, and the light-pollution made it seem like it was still dusk. Out over the water, though, it was black, except for a few stars. It was chilly and damp out so close to the water, but it wasn't too windy, so they would be able to get a fire going.

"What does Ryker think about that?"

Tasha eyed him, tone a little dangerous, "He knows and respects that I can wear whatever I want. I was actually wearing the sweater to fuck with Kiki. I'm still a little annoyed she ditched us."

She smiled at him and stepped close enough to bump his shoulder, "Not that I don't mind the chance to hang out one-on-one."

Liam smiled, "Me neither."

"I'm a little surprised you didn't ask Matt to join, though," Tasha said, "Or that Kekoa didn't want to come."

"Matt's too busy with family stuff like my other friends from high school," Liam said, "And Kekoa said he'd come next time when there was a bit bigger group."

Tasha smiled, "Good. I'm excited to meet him. You did tell Blake she's going to have to loan you out to me as a date during the middle of break, right?"

Liam arched an eyebrow, "Why, exactly?"

Tasha rolled her eyes, "Because Sara's coming out again, and while we definitely have some girls-only plans with just the two of us and maybe Kiki for a few, she's definitely going to want to hang out with Matt a few times, and just find a place where they can fuck."

She grinned then, looping an arm around his, "So you can keep me company then."

Liam smiled, shaking his head, "I'll make sure to get Blake's stamp of approval."

Tasha batted her sparkling eyes and gave him a toothy smile, "Thank you!"

When they got to a decent spot on the beach--far enough from the houses that they wouldn't disturb anyone, but close enough to the water to get any spray or be sitting on any wet sand, Liam unzipped the firepit's case and set up the metal contraption while laid out the towel that Liam had packed in the case.

It thankfully only took the duralog a few tries to get going, and within a few minutes, Liam was grinning at Tasha over a roaring fire.

They leaned over it for a bit, warming their cold fingers as it crackled, then Tasha tugged Liam next to her on the towel and leaned against him, resting her head on his shoulders.

The Boyfriend (The Camgirl Part 3)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें