Part LVIX: Sandcastle

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Liam let out a deep breath as he shoveled another armful of damp sand, out of the moat he was digging, placing it carefully atop the rest of the pile that would form the sea wall.

"Are you sure that's not getting too high?"

Liam looked over and nodded at Kiki, who was digging what would be the extension of the mode behind the sea wall around their little sand town and castle that they were building.

"We've left enough room to make it thick enough that it should be fine."

He glanced down at the surf, which had so far come within about a foot or two of their castle, but no closer. Yet.

He turned back to Kiki and smiled at her, "For now, at least."

She smiled back and returned to outlining the rest of the moat.

"You guys are such dorks."

Liam glanced up at Tasha, who lounged on one of the folding chairs they brought with them, head back, sweating drink in the cup holder, dark shades shielding her eyes from the thankfully warm sun overhead. The first few weeks hadn't really been beach weather, but it seemed that with Sara's arrival a few days ago, the sun had come out to try and give her the Southern California experience while she was here.

He glanced back out to the sea, where she and Matt floated on boogie boards, waiting for a good wave.

Apparently, Matt had suggested teaching her how to surf early this morning when there would be good waves and only a slight possibility of sharks. Thankfully, Sara had convinced him otherwise, I'm saying that boogie boarding would be a bit more fun. Plus, this way, Liam had an extra board to use as the foundation for the second level of his and Kiki's sand construction.

"You're the dork," Liam shot back, "Actually tanning at the beach. You can do that by a pool, or even just in your backyard, you know, right?"

Tasha wriggled around in her chair, as though getting a bit comfier, "But then I wouldn't have the ambience of the waves and the salty air and the slight breeze to keep the sun from getting too hot."

"And if there had been a bunch of screaming children here?" Kiki asked, shooting a grin at Liam.

"Then we would have gone farther down to the beach, or I would have talked Sara and Matt into going to Oxnard with us, where it's more private. Most of the kids are back in school now though, and I don't think they always realize that the beach is just as good during the winter as it is during the summer."

Liam snorted, "What would you have done at Oxnard? You'd be freezing there."

"Probably tease us," Kiki remarked, "These swimsuits are nice, but they definitely wouldn't be able to hide her nips if it's as cold as it usually gets there."

Liam laughed as Tasha scoffed, "Asshole."

"We're just trying to include you," Liam said, innocently, adding a bit more thickness to the front wall. It would need it for the tunnel he wanted to dig underneath.

He looked over at Tasha just in time to see her push her sunglasses down and glare at him over them.

"Uh huh."

When he continued to smirk at her, Tasha scoffed again, rolling her eyes.

"I'm not going to play in the sand with you guys. Unless I'm wearing a wet suit or some sort of spandex shorts or something, a little bit always manages to find its way between my legs and between my cheeks and getting it out is annoying as shit.

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