Part XLIX: Dan

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"Ugh, I can't wait until we're twenty-one and we can just buy whatever alcohol we want instead of having to rely on what our parents have."

"At least we have some. Cheap wine is better than nothing."

"It's not fruity or sweet enough though."

"You're just saying that because your ex made good drinks."

"Yeah, and he taught me how to do that, so I want to be able to do it myself. Especially since Lexi doesn't really care about that too much."

"Let's just go get the snacks and get home so we can have some fun and relax."

"OK, but we're not sharing. If you want Cheetos, you have to get your own bag."

"You're so stingy."

"Would you share French fries with me?"

"Fair enough."

Marie snickered at her friend as they walked down the snack aisle. She picked out a bag of Cheetos and a bag of salt and vinegar kettle chips, while Emily picked out some Cheeze-its, sour cream and onion lays, and then insisted that they needed to go to the cookie aisle too, which Marie didn't protest. She got some chocolate-chip cookies, as well as some peanut butter ones, while Emily got little fancy cookies with a little bit of chocolate and a little bit of Graham cracker, or the little biscuit cookies that she liked.

They were laughing and not caring about their figures or how much they ate for a night. Marie was starting to get excited about calling Lexi at midnight, because even if she couldn't physically be with her girlfriend, she wanted to at least talk to her tonight. When they turned the corner out into the main space between the aisles and the checkout lines, and Marie stopped dead.

Standing before her was a tall boy with dark hair, and a face that didn't really fit his physique anymore. It honestly hadn't even before they had broken up.

Before he dumped you, you mean.

Dan still looked good, if a little off. His face and his smile for some reason just never really fit the broad muscular physique he'd attained in their last year of high school and first year of college.

Annoyingly, while she was trying to decide between shriveling up and just running away without a word, Dan grinned at her.

Marie supposed it was a good thing that she no longer found his grin charming, or found her blood pumping a bit faster when he looked at her that way. Instead, she just found it annoying, and even a little painful.

"Hey, Marie. Wow, you still look great. You still single?"

Marie blinked, speechless, while Emily moved in front of her and for some reason put her hand into the cart.

"She's not." Emily said, the bile in her voice surprising and satisfying Marie.

"And even if she was," Emily continued, "it wouldn't matter. She would have to be very desperate to sleep with you again."

Though that probably would have worked really well on other guys, Dan wasn't phased. He gave Emily a flat look, then rolled his eyes and turned back to Marie with a smile.

"It is New Years," he said, "Unless you two are going to be a bit more than friends this year, I am assuming you don't have anyone to spend the night with, or kiss on midnight."

Marie felt her nails digging into the palms of her hand.

How the fuck did I ever date a guy like this? How did I ever even let him touch me?

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