Part XLII: You're On

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As Blake watched the viewers flow into her chat room, she made sure to keep her breathing measured. When her mind drifted, tried to keep her focus on the present, like her therapist had recommended. Being at her mom's house for this made sense. It was private, she could use whatever room she wanted, and she hadn't needed to sneak all the decorations past her grandparents.

It still felt weird.

Closing her eyes for a moment, Blake took a deep breath in, held it, then let it out, opening her eyes and smiling at the camera again.

Don't think about all your shit right now. Tonight is about your viewers, and once he gets on, about Liam.

Thinking like that helped. Only a little, but Blake was okay with that at this point, considering she'd only just discussed it with the doctor earlier today.

As a few of her regulars appeared in the room and said "hi", she greeted them, going through the usual banter with them, teasing then with the skimpy outfit she was wearing, and getting a bit more comfortable.

They help relax her a bit, but she was still antsy for Liam to get on. She had an incredible show planned for him tonight, fully intended to get him all worked up and give him a painfully hard reminder of just what he was missing.

And what he gets to look forward to once we get back from break.

Thinking about that made Blake's heart race, and the smile on her lips was less forced now.

After talking with him the other night while she knew he'd been in the middle of touching himself Blake found herself getting more and more irrationally frustrated at the distance between them. Taking out that frustration on herself either through working out or with her variety of sex toys, and thankfully been working pretty well so far.

We still have a little over two weeks left though.

With Liam, that seemed like no time at all to Blake. Apart from him, it seemed like months.

One of the names popping up on the chat box caught Blake's eye, and when she looked back to the screen, she smiled. A wonderful warmth spread through her, making the tension melt from her body as she picked up her phone and texted her boyfriend.

"I see you. Ready for your present?"

Blake opened up the messenger app on her laptop so she could communicate with Liam discreetly while performing. This time when her phone buzzed, a message appeared at the top right corner of her screen, and she giggled.

"I wish I could be there to unwrap it myself."

Blake thought for a moment, then grinned at the camera as she typed her response to Liam.

"I'm gonna make sure your hands are a bit too busy for that tonight."

Blake held back a cackle at her own pun. She had quite a few surprises planned for tonight. She knew her regulars would love them, but she hoped Liam appreciated them just as much.

"Then you won't be offended if I stop typing back at some point?"

"I think I'd be more offended if you didn't stop typing. And a little grossed out. No touching your keyboard with cum-y, lube-y hands. :P"

Liam sent a little laughing emoji in reply, and with a deep breath, Blake decided it was time to start her show.



"Alright, dudes! Merry fucking Christmas and Happy Holidays!"

Liam watched, grinning as Blake threw her hands up in the air and shook her chest as she grinned at the camera, and a few more tips came in.

The Boyfriend (The Camgirl Part 3)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora