Part XLI: Ready For Your Present?

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Liam couldn't help but grin as he sat down at his desk. He was home alone, and he had made sure that it would stay that way for a few hours at the very least. It was two days before New Year's Eve, and he and his brother had made sure their parents were out enjoying themselves at a nice dinner as a Christmas present from the two of them. Liam's brother was out at a movie, and Liam would be completely undisturbed while he watched the camshow Blake wanted to put on for him.

It wasn't just for him, of course. She was doing a holiday show as an excuse to do something themed and "get people to spend some of their Christmas money" on her, as she put it.

Blake hadn't texted him since a bit earlier in the day, so Liam knew she that she was still getting ready, or that she'd started the show and was letting her viewers flow in. She'd promised to text him when she thought he should join.

For some reason, though he was excited, Liam also found himself a bit nervous. He didn't know why.

Maybe he was nervous for Blake?

She'd told him she was nervous--that she'd never done a holiday show like this. She had done one for Halloween, but she loved Halloween, so that was in her wheelhouse, and she'd apparently been too excited to be nervous.

Maybe it's because she's at her mom's.

It was unlikely that she would do a show like this--where she'd probably end up getting very loud--at her grandparent's house, so she'd chosen to use her mom's empty house.

Liam knew Blake still had issues with that. She was getting better as far as he knew, but he knew how weird something like that could be.

Liam got himself ready, putting a towel down over his desk chair, getting out a few tissues and some oil to make things feel just a little bit nicer, then undressed except for his T-shirt. It was a little chilly in the house, and he knew he wouldn't be too warm until things got going.

As he waited, Liam's thoughts drifted to the upcoming holiday. He was excited about having a nice night in with his friends, and that more of them would be joining this year.

He didn't know how it had started, but last year, his friends had come over to celebrate, and they just hung out and made good food and had a few drinks, though nothing crazy. Mostly just champagne.

Last time, it had just been a few friends from high school, his brother, and his other friend Nalani, who was basically another brother. And technically Kekoa's distant cousin, according to their grandparents.

This year, they'd apparently all just assumed they would do it again, which had made things nice and easy.

Liam was a little nervous, though. He hadn't mixed groups of friends before, and they would all be there for the night. He also hadn't had any girls over before, so he didn't know exactly how that would play out, especially with Tasha. And though Kiki knew him from high school, she didn't know him as well as his core group of friends from high school, or Kekoa and Nalani, who knew all of his embarrassing stories.

He took a deep breath, then let it out.

It will all be fine. You're worrying about nothing. Worst case scenario, Tasha has too much fun flirting with and embarrassing everyone, and everyone will just be embarrassed about their boners.

Liam grinned at that.

New Years would also be the end of his relaxation period. Starting on the second, he would begin working on his projects again. Both music and programming. Part of them felt bad for letting the progress on those fall behind, but he knew that a break was good every now and then. And he was bad at giving those to himself. Plus, he wouldn't really be getting one at school, so now was the perfect time.

Until then, he would enjoy himself.

Though he wished Blake could be here. At least just for New Year's. He wanted her to meet his friends, and it would be nice to have someone to kiss on New Year's for once. Especially someone he cared about the way he did Blake. Someone he--

Liam's phone buzzed then, pulling him from his thoughts.

Liam grinned when he saw Blake's message, then went to the site and logged in.

When the page loaded, his eyes went wide.

How is she always so gorgeous?

Her hair, which seemed to be a deeper, more vibrant blue than usual, was thick and wavy, falling over her right shoulder. She wore bright red lipstick, and her eyes were smokey with thick eyeliner and long thick lashes. Her eyebrows were immaculate, and her teeth white as snow as she smiled.

Whatever lighting she was using hit her skin just right. It had a bit more color than usual, but not enough to clash with the blue of her hair. Her outfit...could only just barely be called that.

The top was a thin red strip of fabric with a little ruffle under the bottom and little rhinestones or sequins dotting it. It hid nothing, serving only to highlight her hard nipples poking through the fabric, though the fluffy white on the top that invoked a Santa suit was a nice touch.

Liam was pretty sure that the bottom half of the outfit was only there to compliment the top, as it covered absolutely nothing. The red fabric on that part was maybe a two or three inch band of fabric just as sheer as the top, though the little skirt was hemmed by a thick line of the same fluffy white material. It probably would have obscured what hid between Blake's legs if not for her position.

Blake leaned back against a few seasonal pillows, knees bent and legs spread just enough to show what lay between. And to top everything off, she wore a big Santa hat with a fluffy white puff ball on the end.

Liam swallowed at the site, and realized he was already mostly hard.

When he took in the rest of what was on the screen, Liam blinked, and his eyes went even wider.

Is that a Christmas tree?

In the background was a very non-plastic-looking tree, decorated with far more effort than Liam had ever used on his family's own Christmas trees. Red tinsel and garlands dressed the full boughs, complementing the shining lights, a bunch of red and gold balls, and the little personal ornaments that were unique to their families.

Liam also saw a few showy boxes of presents, near the foot of the tree, and then a top hat, and a large novelty dreidel and menorah as well on top of two of them.

When he looked back at Blake, it was just in time to see her look directly into the camera and smile before she leaned over to type something.

Liam's phone buzzed, and he grinned when he read the text.

"I see you. Ready for your present?"

A/N: What do you think Blake has planned for Liam?

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