¢нαρтєя 12

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hey guys :)

okay so here's the news! I have posted a new Ziam vampire au story and it's called "Irresistible" and all you have to do and go and check it out and I will be very very very happy :)

and guys thank you so much for the votes! and that's why I am giving you an early update! :)

and here are this chapter's lyrics!

"Your touch magnetizing, Feels like I am floating, leaves my body glowing" 

and here's chapter 12 :)


*Liam's POV*

Just when I had came out of my walls, I felt the need to go back into them. The nightmare was still on my mind. It wasn't the first time I had gotten that nightmare but it had never been this frightening and now I am wishing I could just hide myself again because that was the only way I could forget about Mark and everthing he did to me.

If that night, Harry and Niall hadn't found me at the right moment Mark would've killed me but that wasn't the thing that was killing me inside. It was the way Mark felt. It was the way Mark touched me and It was the way he treated me. Every time, I remembered, I felt pain and right now was one of those times. I just wish Louis was here to hold me and tell me he was here for me just like he did this morning and then everything would be perfect.

I snapped out of the book that I was supposed to be reading when my phone buzzed, it was text from Louis.

"Hey Li, can we meet up to do the project? xxx"  

And it was only then I remembered that we were supposed to be doing a project. And I smiled because I did that more often now and because I was working with Louis, the guy I was slowly but surely falling for. 

"Yeah sure, my house in 10?"

I texted back, my lips still curled up into a smile at the thought of seeing Louis again and then I had to slap myself because yeah, I was acting like a high school girl with a crush. Just as I actually started reading the book in my hands, my phone buzzed again and I rushed forward to pick it up.

"Be there in 10 secs...-love you :) "

His "Love you" made my heart race so fast it was unbelievable. I was blushing just like I always did when he would tell me those words and it was weird because he didn't know me. Nonono, he didn't know anything about me but he still said those words to me everyday with his eyes full of honesty. And I was scared, scared to lose him just I like I lost the Mark, I loved. I didn't think I was ready to lose Louis.

I jumped when the doorbell rang and I grinned, racing downstairs and opened the door meeting two familar blue eyes again. He smiled softly when he saw me and I immediately grabbed his hand, weaving my fingers slowly through his. just like I always did because it was impossible not to touch him even though his skin was cold as ice. I liked that cold feeling.

I blushed when Louis chuckled and closed the front door behind him and tightened his hand's grip on mine,  keeping his body always close to me and I had to fight off the urge to hug him because I like the way his arms held me so gently but firmly.

I led him upstairs to my room which was neatly done like always. He stared at my room for a while, his eyes going over the pictures and posters that hung over my walls.

"It's cute" I heard him mumble and I gave him a confused look. "It's cute. your room, just like you." He said and I blushed. 

He wrapped his arms around my waist, his hand leaving mine as they grabbed my waist and pulled me closer. I blushed harder at this and trust me I was trying as hard as I could to stop myself form turning into a tomato. He pulled me a ted bit closer so that out chests were now touching. I shivered because not only did he have this effect on me but he was ice cold. I closed my eyes and smiled when I felt his lips on my forehead, his lips lingering for a while before kissing me and then leaving.

"Thanks" I mumble. I don't really know what I was thanking him for. Maybe because he complimented my room or maybe because he made me happy again or maybe because he loved me. I don't know.

He grinned before letting me go, he sat down on the edge of my bed while I grabbed my desk chair and sat on it facing Louis.

"So what's the plan for the project?" I asked quietly, my voice hesitant and almost a mumble.

"Well...I don't really know. The thing is I just wanted to see you" Louis said as he blushed and I grinned because I made Louis Tomlinson blush and it was something I wanted to keep in my mind forever.

"We can work on it" I said as I grabbed the needed books and sat on the bed with Louis. It wasn't that hard to get started on the project and soon we zooming through it. Louis wasn't anything he looked like, he was great at English and I came to learn that he loved drama and I must admit he was great at it. And he had the lamest jokes ever but I laughed because it was Louis. After a while and a lot of work we decided to have a little break. Both of us laid out on my bed, staring up at ceiling.

I turned my head, when I felt Louis' eyes on me, our hands were entwined again and I grabbed on of his fingers, gently playing with them as I stared into his eyes.

"You're fucking perfect" He whispered, pulling me closer and now I am sure I looked like a tomato because that was the sweetest thing someone had every said to me.

"And I want you to let me in, let me know every inch of you, let me gain your trust. Please" He whispered and this time I looked into his eyes to see nothing but honesty. Honesty that showed me that he was here for me, honesty that showed me he cared and honesty which told me he loved me. And I couldn't help but lean in, my lips edging closer to his because I think I am ready for this.

I think I was ready to have my first kiss with Louis. Louis leaned up on his elbow as my actions became more clearer to him. He laid me down on my back and hovered over me, his eyes searching mine for permission and I nodded, arcing up my back and leaning up to his lips. 

"You sure, Li?" He mumbled against my lips and I slowly nodded my nerves now kicking in and I wanted to pull away but something about the way Louis' lips looked made me forget about everything but him and so I went in closer, our lips now touching.

And Louis slowly moved his lips grabbing mine in between his and I closed my eyes becuase this was already driving me crazy...


OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! LILO KISS!!!!!!!!! YAY :) haha sorry got a bit carried away but hope you liked it :D

Don't forget to check out my new Ziam vampire story "Iresisitble" :) and don't forget to comment the song if you want the dedication:- 

"Your touch magnetizing, Feels like I am floating, leaves my body glowing" 

and don't forget to 





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