¢нαρтєя 6

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As always I just want to say thank you to everyone who voted and commented! It's amazing :) chapter 3's got 10 votes! thank you so much guys! please keeping on reading, voting and commenting and I will keep on writitng :)

I hope you like this one :) I have done something different with the POV and I hope you like it. I am not gonna write in the Narrator's POV a lot but sometimes I will :)


So, here's the next chapter!



*Narrator's POV* (Yay!!)

Liam sighed, slamming his book down. He had been sitting in his room for the past hour or so, reading a book but he wasn't. He couldn't get himself to concentrate. Whenever he opened his thoughts they ran away to Louis. Liam couldn't get Louis out of his mind, couldn't get his eletric blue eyes out of his mind. As much as he tried to run away from Louis, the more he came across Louis. It was scary at first because he knew he shouldn't open up to Louis, shouldn't trust him but then he would look into Louis' eyes and then suddenly those thoughts would get replaced by hope and need. He hoped that Louis wouldn't be like the others and would be able to save him and then that would make Liam feel the need of Louis' presence and Louis's touch.

Liam never let anyone touch him, not after those cold harsh touches he had recieved, he didn't let anyone even get one centimeter close to him. It's just the way Liam' s walls were. No talking and No touching leads to No trust and that leads to a perfect non-broken heart. But Louis had this power to easily break those walls and Liam had let him because Louis felt different. The way he held Liam was ironic. Liam still could feel Louis' gentle touch linger around his body and he could feel his body begging for that touch again and that scared Liam beyond anything. He wasn't ready yet, not for a relationship or love, anyway.

Liam didn't know why he was letting his walls down again, he just didn't know why. Liam could feel himself mending, he could feel himself smiling like any idiot right now just because Louis was on his mind. Did he like Louis? 

"Hey, Li! Can I have a talk?" Liam's bunch of thoughts were stopped instantly as Harry peered through his door and headed towards Liam's bed. Harry without asking permission laid himself out on the bed, his arms crossed at the base of his head as he looked up at Liam. Liam gave him a smile and a slight nod. He didn't have much choice either, It looked like Harry had already invited himself to the "talk".

"Sooo, I wanted to talk about Louis" Harry asked hesitantly and he was almost killed with guilt when he saw Liam's eyes windened in panic. Liam looked away staring out of the window, his eyes not daring enough to meet Harry's but Liam was relaxed. Thinking it was safe enough to do so, Harry slowly continued. "Look, I can see there is something. I think- No, I know he's different  and I can tell that he has feellings for you,  deep feelings Liam. And these feelings they are not just gonna just disappear, they have been affecting him and I am not just saying this Liam! He has been staring at you from the moment you entered, his eyes never left you and there was always this loving look in his eyes, Li. It was weird and I have never, ever in my life seen someone look at someone else with this much love and sparkle in their eyes. Liam I know you have had horrible past with relationships and.." Harry stopped for a moment, as Liam's body froze and his eyes turned dull again. "but Louis' different! Li, I just-

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