¢нαρтєя 8

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hey :)

hope you liked the last chapter! thank you so much for voting and commenting :D you guys are the best readers in the world

okay so if you want this chapter's dedication, please comment saying which song the following lyrics belong to :).

"You gonna start asking me questions like;"Was she attractive? Was she an actress?"

I' m recently getting really obsessed with this song ;) It's an amazing one


*Liam's POV*

With a smile, I opened the front door. Closing the door behind me, I walked towards the kitchen where I thought Harry and Niall would be. Placing the keys on the counter and yep. There stood Harry and Niall, both of them leaning against the wall smirking knowingly at me. I blushed looking at my shoes.

"Was it romantic or messy?" Niall asked, raising his eyebrow at me. He grabbed an apple, biting into it, his eyes still playfully staring at me. I rolled my eyes, leaning against the kitchen counter, the shade of red still on my cheeks.

"We didn't kiss" I mumbled, looking anywhere but at them. But then I had to glare furiously at them as they sniggered loudly, not at all trying to hide it. They both stopped at my glare and Harry coughed awkwardly before coming over to me and hugging me tightly. Me and Harry always had a closer relationship. He always seemed to understand me the best.

He hugged me tightly, pecking my hair as he was slightly taller than me, I relaxed into his hug. And for the first, I wasn't afraid of someone touching, even if it was Harry. I knew the aura I had build around myself was slowly fading away after I had let Louis in, after I let myself trust Louis. But I wasn't miserable, I was somehow glad that I was slowly getting my old self back, that I was leaving the broken me behind and I couldn't thank Louis enough for entering my life.

"We're glad to see you happy again, Liam. Really glad" I sighed as Harry mumbled into my neck. I squeezed his waist lightly as he pulled away. He pecked my hair once again and then let off me.

However, the smile soon disappeared when the question -that had been bugging me all day popped up in my head again. Things were perfect with Louis, but what if everything is going to fast? What if we are going to fast and then we suddenly crash? I wasn't ready to lose Louis but I wasn't ready to be his completely! But then what if Louis thinks I am taking things too slow and then he finds someone better? He would leave me just like everyone else in my life did! After all he did say he loved me and that was a big step; I don't think I was ready to say those three words to him. Not yet anyways.

But still I smiled, as Louis' words flashbacked into my mind. The honesty and the love in his eyes made me feel so dizzy and then my emotions would beg to burst out of my heart. Begging me to let him hold me, love me and keep me safe. But I am not ready, I knew I would let my emotions get out and then chicken out because my body was not emotionally ready to go through the feeling of loving someone again.

Breaking out of my trace I looked up as Harry's coughed. He gave me a confused look.

"Harry am I taking things too slow with Louis" I asked hestitantly, my question was still not answered even with the load of thinking I had done. Harry gave me another confused look and I looked down, crimson red taking over my skin yet again. "Umm...he told me he loves me" I said. Harry's eyes immediately lightened up and a huge smile formed on his face. If possible I blushed even more looking down curiously at my feet.

"Really?!" His voice was excited, as if he had just heard about something really cool and trust me it was. Louis saying those words to me was amazing and my ears begged to hear those words again as I kept on replaying the flashback. I nodded as Harry engulfed me into yet another hug.

Truly, Madly, Deeply (ʟıʟᴏ ᴘᴀʏʟɪɴsᴏɴ)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum