(Y/N) knew he couldn't win no matter what technique he uses or how powerful he is right now. Even if Caulifla and Kale were with him. He should feel hopeless and despair or even anger. But he felt none of those things. He was simply smiling. Happy and excitement as something in him kept telling him to keep going. To push his limits. It's true he needed to get past the man to help Penny. But right now the only thing he sees is his limits which he will break.


(Y/N) rushed at the man with a wide smile as he was going to try to punch the man with a ki infused punch. The man grabbed his hand in response and punched him in the face. (Y/N)'s head recoils back as he then went for a headbutt only to be met with the man's hand as he grabbed his face and lifted him up.

Man: You saiyans are a terrifying but fascinating species.

The man's hand blocked (Y/N) right eye's vision as he grabbed his arm to try and pry himself off of his hold.

The man smirked.

Man: Let's see how long you last you filthy nig-

Author: Cut!

Man: What is it?

Author: You can't say that!

Man: So I'm allowed to say monkey but I can't say the n-word?

Author: Yeah because this (Y/N) is a saiyan and Frieza calls them any racial term like it.

Man: Oh please you most likely have a black reader that probably read some shit and said the n-word.

Author: Well let's be real all (Y/N)'s are grey people unless some artist makes art of that (Y/N) to their own image.

Man: So can I say the n-word?

Author: No.

Man: Ok let's be real here your basically talking to yourself while typing this because your so lonely and bored that you go on a app and write a story to cope with how lonely you are.

Author: Bruh why am I typing this shit then?!

Man: Cause your at a certain point where you disclose all reality and type as if we're real people.

Author: Fair enough.

(Y/N): Back to the story!

(Y/N) fell off the ceiling and hit his head.

Author: Redo!

Man: Let's see how long you last you filthy monkey.

The man punched (Y/N) in the face repeatedly as (Y/N)'a conscious began to fade as he went back to his base as all he could see is a blur of red and black.

Cinder: (excited) And where do you think you're going?

Penny looks back at Pietro, who looks scared.

Pietro: Penny, no!

Against her father's wishes, Penny flies down and floats above the arena to face Cinder, drawing Floating Array. Cinder hops down from the airship with a grin, while Emerald Sustrai and Neopolitan exit the airship. The countdown on the bombs reaches zero, and the bombs explode, setting off a chain reaction of Dust eruptions. As the colorful explosions intensify, four jets on Amity Tower activate. The combined force causes the tower to begin flying into the air, which slams Penny into the floor. Cinder drops to one knee and steadies herself with her hands.

In Atlas Academy, James Ironwood, Vine Zeki, Marrow Amin, Elm Ederne and Harriet Bree are gathered around the table in Ironwood's office. A hologram screen is showing a map of Solitas, on which the locations of the Kingdom of Atlas, Amity Tower, and Monstra are marked. A new screen appears, displaying the words "Sensory Alert", while an alarm plays. Yet another screen appears, showing footage of Amity Tower beginning its take-off.

The idiot Saiyan of Remnant (Male Reader x RWBY)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें