Chapter 31 - Master

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Okay, I know Iam getting some backlash for what Iam writing. But all I can say is if you hate it don't read it. And for the Pete's situation he had been psychologically tortured in a real bad way. Not just Vegas, but all his past he had been treated like that. So what I expressed about his sad and self deprivating thoughts is a result of that. Don't worry. Vegas will suffer. Plus the real truth is not even out yet. You guys are too impatient. The story is yet developing. Haha, look at me taking my time slowly developing the story and here u guys commenting impatiently for everything to happen quickly. I don't want to run fast. I want it to sound plausible.

Yayyy. Almost 5000 words. Enjoy!


Vegas approached Pete as the latter stared at him with terror.

His master was coming to him. Pete will show him he is a good pet. Pete raised his trembling hand and tried to reach out.

Vegas stared at his pet, there was blood everywhere, blood on the bed, blood on the floor, blood on Pete's body. It looked horrible to Vegas even though gruesome torture was simple in his books. But the knowledge that this blood belonged to his pet made Vegas feel nauseous.

Vegas wondered how did he miscalculate. He remembers being blinded with a red curtain of rage, but he never remembered leaving Pete bloody. Maybe there were a few drops, but why is it like this now? He didn't even know where to touch his pet without worsening the injuries. His pet looked horrible.

Pete crawled closer to Vegas with determination to satisfy his master. The latter was looking at him with an odd look. His master usually would reach over for him, pick him up, but now he was just staring at Pete. His master must be disappointed in Pete. Disgusted by Pete. Pete trembled at the thought. No, he must stop that from happening. Otherwise master would punish Pete again. Peel off Pete's bloody skin. Pete must please his master, he must, he must.

Pete knew how to satisfy his master. Pete has done that before. He can do it now, again. He can. Pete reached over his hands to Vegas' pants trying to remove the belt with his trembling hands.

Vegas watched with horror and amazement as Pete touched Vegas's belt, Pete's small trembling fingers trying to unhook the buckle. Vegas could easily guess that his pet was trying to give him a blowjob. His pet's mouth moved into that cute pout he made when he was getting ready to give a blowjob, his tongue darting around like it's preparing the mouth for the job. His pet always did that, when he tried to please his master. After that very initial meeting between them and the clumsy blowjob that happened, Pete had become better and better at it. And he had always given blowjobs to Vegas anytime he thought Vegas was angry at Pete. Well Vegas could never resist enough to say no before, until after the promise he made. After that promise he kept to it and kept his cock away from Pete's mouth and ass.

But right now a blowjob was the last thing in Vegas's mind. His mind was full of concern for his pet mixed with guilt. So without a thought Vegas very gently swatted Pete's hand away. He couldn't catch his pet's wrists as the skin was ruined there and still bleeding badly. Vegas couldn't bear to hurt his pet even more.

Pete felt his heart tighten with fear when his master refused the blow job. Pete is in terrible, terrible trouble. His master no longer even wants him to please him. Now his master will whip him again. Any moment. Pete was trembling badly. He felt like he has no strength in his body anymore. His heart was pounding so fast. He was crying. Pete needs to get away. There was no option.

Pete looked around frantically like a scared rabbit. There was nowhere for him to go. The door seemed so far away and both his master and Khun Kinn were on his way there.

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