Chapter 10 - Training

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Omg the word count. Almost 4000 😭😭. Anyway most of you are surprised, I hope pleasantly with a second update so near each other. It was on request of one of my readers since Bui's birthday is coming near, so wanted me to update soon. Okay guys enjoy then. Buckle up your belts because this chapter is going to be intense. Reader warnings applied. Noncon stuff are present so if thats not your cup of tea please don't read. Read at your own risk.


Pete woke up to the feeling of been squished to death, he opened his eyes and was surprised to find a heavy hand lying on his stomach and he was pressed against a very sturdy chest. Pete blushed as he recalled last nights events. 'Oh my God, he slept with Vegas and on his own accord too.'

Very slowly , careful not to wake the other , Pete tried to crawl out of the hand that layed on him. Just when Pete thought he successfully managed this feat, the very hand he escaped from shot out and grabbed Pete from his waist ,and with a grunt ,Pete found himself back on his previous position.

" Where do you think you are going?", a rough, sleepy, hoarse voice whispered into pete's car.

Pete shivered at the sensation of hot air against his ear lobe.

"Let's stay like this for a few more minutes",Vegas said spooned Pete even more close to his body if that was even possible.

Pete sighed and settled against Vegas. He couldn't deny that it felt nice, the A/C was cold and the warm body engulfing him felt nice.

In a few minutes Pete lulled back to sleep. They slept together for some more time until Vegas woke up and got ready and left for work.


Vegas stared at the documents on his desk, rage started sweeping through his head. He grabbed the documents and threw them to the far corner of his room uttering a guttural scream of rage. Next the glass vase on his desk followed it. In few minutes Vegas's office looked like, bunch of elephants had a dance in it.

What sort of mother####er was thinking they could get away with making an attempt at Macau's life. His little brother. His only family. His only motive to live after the disaster his family underwent. How dare they? Vegas would make sure that any arrogant ######f##ers who thinks they can get away with touching Vegas's family will suffer the worst fate.

Vegas stood fuming in the middle of the disaster finally gathering his wits to talk to Nop. He turned towards Nop who stayed patiently until his master let out the anger.

"Where is Macau now?", he barked.

Nop didn't even blink at the change and replied,"he is on the way to Thailand sir in our private jet. He is under full protection now"

"Good. So where did this happen?", he asked. "Most importantly how did this even happen? What the fuck were his bodyguards doing",Vegas was almost reaching another rage fit but he composed himself with difficulty and focused on Nop. He needed to keep a clear head if he wanted revenge.

Suddenly a knock was heard and before they could even answer a young man came in. He had thick eyebrows and fair complexion. It was Kinn Phakphum. Vegas's best friend.

 Vegas's best friend

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