Chapter 12 - Cage

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Two hours later Vegas entered the room, the Doctor who accompanied him, was left outside the door and Vegas went by himself to assess the condition his pet was in before the doctor saw him.

Despite whatever Vegas said he still had some pity towards the prisoner in his hands and he didn't want the doctor to enter the room when he himself wasn't sure how his pet was at the moment.

If Vegas had his way nobody would see his pet ever, because Pete is his, only his, Vegas thought possesively. But unfortunately he needed to make sure his pet was clean and for that he needed the doctor.

Again Vegas got annoyed about Pete having sex with someone else before. He need to get details about that bastard so he could teach him a lesson touching Vegas's belongings, although technically he didnt own Pete back then that doesnt matter, Vegas thought angrily, Pete was his. His past, his present and his future belonged to him.

With all these possessive thoughts clouding his mind, Vegas quickly walked towards the cage, it stood in the corner of the room still covered with the cloth that Vegas used hastily to cover Pete from the eyes of the maids that entered to cleanup.

The workers at the family were taught not to pry, but still Vegas didn't even want any accidental gaze on his half naked pet so beautifully decorated, it was only for his eyes.

Vegas removed the cloth and looked inside the cage through the bars. He was shocked when Pete's kneeling figure met his eyes. Pete's hands were folded in front of him, almost in a praying posture and his forhead rested against the bars of the cage supporting him.

He was mumbling something that was barely audible, but Vegas could see the slight movement of his lips. To say Vegas was shocked was an understatement. He felt angry too. What was his pet thinking, been like this when he left him to sleep in the cage after the strenuous situation he put him through. But no, looks like his stubborn pet refused this brief respite even.

Vegas quickly opened the padlock and called out for Pete.

"Pet",he said "what are you doing? Come here",he ordered.

But surprisingly Pete didn't even raise his head to look at Vegas but kept in his original position his head bowed down, hands clasped and mumbling.

"Pet",Vegas raised his voice angrier now, "Don't make me repeat again",he warned.

But Pete didn't respond even at the obvious threat that lay on the situation.

Vegas bend down and put his hands inside the cage, he grabbed Pete by his shoulders and dragged him out. Pete came out at the pull like a ragged doll and the rough movement hit his head against the cage door harshly.

A cry escaped Pete's mouth but his hand didn't reach to rub at the spot but hung helplessly clasped together.

"Pete",Vegas said loudly at the limp creature at his knees where he was deposited out of the cage. Pete still didn't respond but kept mumbling. So Vegas bend down his ear next to Pete's mouth to hear properly.

"I will do anything. Spare Venice please", the words were hardly audible with a croaky voice.

Vegas felt regret and shame run through him. 'Venice',he was holding Pete's brother against him, he is using family to blackmail. But then Vegas harderned his heart, Pete deserved this after what happened to his family.

His parents are dead, he only have Macau left and he almost died too. Although latter wasn't Pete's fault it was because of Pete he had to start from the bottom, losing not just his family, everything his father owned. Start right at the bottom. If not for Kinn, Vegas and Macau would have been thrown to the streets. He owed Mr.Phakphum for giving him a chance to prove his worth.

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