Chapter 8 - Comfort

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Hey my babies,
A little late but am pretty sure you all know the good news. Yay, for our baby Bui. U won, we won. Iam so happyyyy. Although personally I wanna see the b### suffer 😩. She can't get away after making lives of everyone hell for 4 months.

Sorry this update is a little bit late. But it's going to be really really long. So here you go.

This chapter is strictly 18+ with non con elements and disturbing rape conditions. So please refrain from reading if you find it disturbing. Read at your own risk.


After Vegas left, Pete lay on the bed. He felt drained, like he was in a weird dream, a very bad dream. How Vegas could make him go from fear to horny to terror is exhausting. He felt terrible. Shame, fear, anger seemed to cloud his mind. He felt exhausted. He felt disgust for himself for reacting like that when what Vegas did to him is so wrong. He felt pathetic.

Pete shivered remembering what happened a while ago. He thought he was a goner and Vegas would force himself on him. He didn't expect Vegas would actually stop, it surprised him. Vegas was a walking contradiction. His actions were too unpredictable to even try to process.

Pete wished he could just disappear into the bed. Just merge with all the furniture and disappear. He wanted to die but he couldn't. He can't possibly leave his brother at the mercy of this man. That would be the worst possible thing ever.

There's no guarantee if Pete isn't available for Vegas to take his anger out on, he wouldn't take it out on his brother. The very thought made him sicker than he already is.

Pete stayed listless on the bed staring at the ceiling unmoving. He knew he needed to go and wash himself, wash away all the bad feelings Vegas left on his body. He felt disgusted and wanted to peel off his own skin, but he couldn't find the willpower to get up.

Instead Pete layed playing dead. He wished he was already dead, robbed off the choice . The very thought made him feel guilty and made him wish more he was dead so he would stop feeling guilty.

Time passed and Pete lost count of time. It could be minutes, hours even days. But Pete didn't care. Dimly he was aware somebody came in and left him food. But he was immune to the delicious smells wafting through the room. He didn't even smell them. Just layed like a log. Without any response or awareness.

When Vegas came back Pete awake from his daze with a jolt. He seemed to sense the danger and was alert in a second fear gripping his chest. Suddenly he became very angry and was super aware if the uneaten food now cold on the desk. Will Vegas get mad? Will he Punish him? Tye probability for both this questions were too high for Pete to relax.

Vegas spared a brief glance at the uneaten food , a look of displeasure crossed his mind before he turned back to his trembling pet curled up on the bed trying to blend in with the mattress.

The fear in Pete was so obvious. It made a twisted kind of pleasure run through him. Before he came to the room he had bee. Observing Pete on the camera s placed about and he didn't like how his pet seemed to have sunk into some other world, not responding to anyone at all. But now seen him react to him, it made him feel special. Vegas laughed at himself. How pathetic was he that he needed a pet to be felt special.

"Still disobedient huh?" ,he remarked. Pete looked at him with wide eyes, at the cruel, dark eyes observing him. He was so afraid he thought he would faint.

"No sir",he croaked. He wanted to cry. 'Please, he can't do this anymore. Please please', he prayed in his mind.

"I see my pet needs some training ",Vegas said as he started walking towards Pete.

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