<~> stupid roomates, sexy boys <~>

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"Brook is soo annoying." I groaned as we walked into the stables. Julie nodded.
"This is Bonnie." I told julie. Bonnies ribs where poking out of her skin.
"I let her eat as much as wants." I told julie. Bonnie was not looking happy.
"Wanna trail ride and bitich about Brook?" I asked.
"Yep."I nodded.
"Meet back at Bonnie's stall in ten?" Julie asked. I nodded. I grabbed blue and placed a halter on his face and looped the rope together. Bonnie nickered.
"You wanna come to? Okay Bonnie." I told Bonnie. I put on my make shift halt around her neck and used a long lead line to hold her with. I looped it loosely around the bareback ring on blues neck. Julie showed up riding a horse I didn't recognise. The horse was a deep seal bay with a dark black mane.
"Who's that?" I asked getting on.
"I'm borrowing a school horse, cinnamon's being trailered her by a company so she's coming in a few days. Just before school starts. This is dragon." She gave the gelding a pat.
"I rode him beofre I got cinnamon." Julie told me.
"Is Bonnie coming?" I nodded. Julie swung her Leg over dragons bareback. With a little bit of struggle she manged to get on.
"Riverwoods classsic?" Julie asked. I nodded as we headed to the trailer. I clipped the lead rope of and let bonnie Trot around us.
"I cant belive she brought rimel and rhea into it!" Julie yelled. She was the only person I let say there name.
"Let me search her up." Julie told me.
"Oh my god! She is a model and worth like trillion bucks." Julie yelled making Bonnie have a heart attack and fall down.
"Oops." Julie whispered.
"So what did you do while at home?" I asked. I Leander forward as we came to a hill.
"My little brother got expelled and snuck out when he was grounded and we called the cops and it took us a week to find him. Me and cinnamon showed a little, I went camping. Had a fist fight with my brother. You?"
"I went on holidays to Sydney and showed with blue. Just in hand shows. Saw my grandfather who gave me a princess watch, shirt jumper and even saddle pad." I groaned. Julie laughed and sudden I heard rapid hoof beats behind us.
"This trail isnt safe for galloping." I told julie turning around. I noticed it was Brooklyn. She was charging up the trails kicking her white mare hard. She was yanking on the reins roughly.
"Slow down your gonna hurt belle!" I yelled. She grabbed the reins and yanked it back making the mare stop.
Belle snorted and bucked.
"Stupid fricking horse." Brook growled and slapped the mare on the head. I looked at julie.
"Mr. Corner will freak if he saw you doing that." A female voice yelled. I looked and noticed Alicia on her smallish mare Gem. Her skin was in big patches and she had scars over her body.
"He's not gonna see you cow." She laughed,
"Will he?" Alicia snickered hurt by the comment but hiding it well. She pulled her phone out and a video of  Brook hitting her horse.
"Shut up Brook!" Julie yelled
"Your just a little girl who's skin doesn't even look even close to a cow." Brook hissed.
"Get out of here Sis." A hot boy long brown hair riding a heavily dappled mustang cross looking horse.
"Rune! Shut up." Brook hissed.
"Sour about Brook, she my little dimwit sister."
"By three hours." Brook grumbled crossing her arms.
"I'm rune, who are you to hot girls." Rune asked as his horse snorted.
"RUNE! Stop flirting." Brook hissed turning bell away and giving her a slap on the bout forcing her into a gallop.
"I'm Aella, but I'm taken by Flin."
"Oh flin's my roommate." Rune told me.
"Oh and those are my single friends, Julie and Alicia." I told rune.
"Who's your horse?" I asked as we moved into a walk.
"Forgive her name she was named by my sister. She was meant to be my sisters horse but they didn't get along." Rune stalled.
"Shut up and spill!" Julie groaned.
"Princess sparkle Cakes." I bit my lip as we burst out in laughter. "I just call her spark"
"That's a cool name, what breed?" I asked.
"Spark is six and a mustang cross Dutch warmblood with a fair bit of Irish cob." Rune told me.
"Thats so cool!" I told rune.
"Whats the deal with Brooklyn?" Julie asked.
"When we where five we entered a pageant. I got out in the fifth round. However little miss brook won. Fame got to her head. She started modeling. A company had her model riding stuff and she realised how sexy horses made her look so she started riding and this term she was accepted into Riverwood." Rune explained.
"She made fun of Bonnie who was abused." I told rune. Bonnie was busy rolling around in a pile of mud.
"Brook is such a little S.O.B."rune groaned.
"Wanna race?" Rune asked.
"Sure! Where to?" Julie asked tucking her hair behind her ear.
"Hmm, maybe here to the end of the trail. It's about a little over two Kay's?" Alicia suggested. We all nodded.
Blue launched into a hasty gallop. I rose up over his neck as blue moved into a fast gallop. Rune and Spark where in first by a long shot. I was second and blue was staring strong. Julie and Alicia where both close to me. I turned my head back to look for Bonnie but she wasnt behind us. I looked forward and saw Bonnie galloping in front of rune. I gave blue some kicks and he moved into a eye watering speed. Blue took ovrer rune within seconds. Bonnie was still far away and out of sight. As we came to the end of the trail I pulled the reins back letting him slow. Rune follwed after me with Alicia behind him and julie in last.
"Bonnie was fast!" I nodded

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