Chapter 18

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Something soft touched his head, on instinct he moved into it. Only to hear giggles, he became aware of a sudden weight on his chest. Blinking awake he met the eyes of his cheeky toddler. Timmy grinned at him, holding a famous teddy close to him. He squished it in his mother's face making Crosshair flinch. 

"Timmy, careful" Hera's voice was all he could hear. He groaned seeing who was around the room, the batch.

"Dad, how are you feeling?" Cal asked, appearing beside the bed. Crosshair could only grunt, moving into a sitting position. He couldn't help but feel pain and as much as he tried to keep it off his face. He found it impossible, he grunted out a pained sound which had Echo moving. His older brother moved to help him sit up.

Quiet snoring from the floor revealed to be Diesel, his bullmastiff pressed up close to the bed. 

"Like shit" 

"Callum" Fives' warning tone had him looking over at his brother. Crosshair only rolled his eyes slumping back into the pillows only for an arm to catch him. 

"No, you need to eat something" A voice from beside him had him jumping out of confusion. He recognised the baritone voice anywhere and groaned when he heard multiple reassurances. 

"For fucks sake" he grumbled earning himself several looks.




"Fuck off!" Callum yelled, he instantly regretted it, thankfully Fives took no offence to it as someone patted his shoulder. He turned to the said individual and glared accepting the sandwich, he ate with a dark scowl on his face. 

"Mama" Timmy called out oblivious of the tension in the room. Crosshair turned his attention to his youngest who was sitting playing with some cars. 

"Yes" Crosshair was well aware of Hera and Cal climbing on the bed.

"I saw V!" Timmy shouted, throwing his hands up in the air. Crosshair could only nod ignoring his sandwich, he lifted the toddler into his arms. 

"Timmy can you remember what we talked about" 


"Vanessa is up in…"


"No, she is in the clouds with the angels" 

"Ahh, rocket!" Timmy yawned into his chest.

Crosshair could only shake his head, "When daddy gets here, he can rocket you but for now, naptime". Timmy didn't even fight falling asleep. Crosshair held his baby close ignoring the looks from the others. He had eaten half a sandwich, ignoring the others he sat back holding his kids close. Hera and Cal cuddled in, he smiled at them.


A voice from the doorway alerted him to Boba who entered the room.


"Pre-warning you, dad's on his way. He's not happy" 


"Want me to move them" 

"No, Dad can wait, the kids are sleeping. They come first" Crosshair said without a care in the world. Echo could only smile, sometimes Callum was more stubborn than all the Fett's put together. 

"Well, I value my life so you can tell him that" Boba said with a smile, "Oh, can I take Diesel out for a walk?" Boba asked, Crosshair could only nod. Diesel whined but then left with Boba when Ace appeared to take his place but this time with a puppy. 

A Past Found By Tragedy (Hunter x Crosshair) - Modern Au (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now