Chapter 12

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Crosshair slid down the ladder walking back over to his family who watched him with sceptical eyes. Hera clung to his hand while Cal ran for the black plane. Timmy toddled after his brother. Crosshair ignored them all, walking over to access the plane only to groan. 

"Buck what's the code?"

"I'm busy, I think it's…"



"Is that the day?"

"We met, yes! Love you too! Got to go" 

Crosshair could only smile entering the code and the plane opened. Hera smirked climbing in with help from her brothers including Timmy who carried the teddy bears. 

"Who's flying with me?" Crosshair asked, turning towards them all. The batch shared looks, knowing the Fett's would go together. The batch climbed in. Wrecker was in shock at the luxury seats, he couldn't help but pull Fives into his arms and relax for a few minutes. Echo smirked, reuniting with them all as Tech took a seat beside them. Timmy was running up and down the hall, while Hera smirked watching her brother beside Omega. While Cal sat on the private bar that Buck had installed in the plane. Crosshair didn't do alcohol but Buck required it according to him. This was his private job plane so he had to make his customers happy or so he claims. 

"Callum?" Crosshair looked up from where he was snoozing against the wall of the door. There standing in front of him was a very concerned Cody who pointed at his nose. Crosshair groaned, grabbing a tissue and wiping the blood away. 

"Are you alright?" Cody asked, Crosshair could only shake his head. He gestured for them to stand a few feet away from the plane. Where he explained what was wrong with him. Cody could do nothing but pull him in close. Crosshair let out a sob he had been holding in. 

"I'm sorry, Cody. I should have returned earlier but…" 

"Shhh, what's done is in the past. As cheesy as it sounds, let's please look into the future. You will beat this brain tumour and we will help you…if not I'm sure Boba will donate his brain since he half uses it" Crosshair could do nothing but chuckle at his older brother's words. 

"Want me to tell Dad?" Cody said Crosshair could only shake his head as he took Cody's phone off him and decided to ring him himself. Cody could only smile walking away to give Crosshair some privacy. His baby brother remained on the phone for some time listening to both his father and twin, Boba claimed he would meet them at the airport and hug him to death. Crosshair could only smile, he had dearly missed his twin. Barking to his right revealed Diesel who was growling at Quinlan again. Crosshair was quick to turn around and deal with it when he noticed what Diesel was growling at. 

"Freeze" Crosshair called out, Quinlan did just that. Crosshair moved quickly over to his mother who he really didn't know and removed an object out of his pocket. Quinlan froze seeing the small bag of nuts he kept on his person. Diesel instantly relaxed once they were far enough away from the plane. 

"What the hell?" Quinlan turned to Crosshair who was hand sanitising his hands. "Diesel is an ex-drug dog and he helps with any possible fainting spells as well as allergic reactions. Ever since we found out Cal has a severe allergy to nuts, anyone who carries them gets sniffed by Diesel. The bull mastiff is just doing his job in protecting the kids" Crosshair explained rubbing Diesel's head, while watching Ace walk around knowing it will be a long flight

The puppies were asleep in their carrier beside their sleeping mother. Nova had been knocked out by Crosshair earlier due to Nova's fear. 

"So are they all ex-service?" Quinlan asked his youngest who shook his head. "Ace was mine from being a teen, Diesel's was originally from a friend of mine, he passed away. Nova was a dog I found on the street. The two pups still don't have names, they are Novas and Aces" Crosshair bluntly explained, he took a step away from Quinlan when he reached for his arm. Cody moved in between them shaking his head at his mother. Quinlan seemed to get the picture, touch was out of the question until Crosshair felt comfortable again. 

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