Chapter 10

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"Callum, a word" 

Turning his head, Crosshair sighed leaving his children's side to follow Fox into the living room where their new guests had arrived. Crosshair froze on the spot as the television turned on revealing Jango and Boba while in the room was Cody and Rex, his two older brothers were in shock at seeing him.

Crosshair turned around to glare at Fox who only raised an eyebrow, he turned to look at Buck who signalled, 'Not my fault'. Crosshair ignored him as he turned back to his brothers. 

"Callum?" Rex took a step forward only to frown when Diesel appeared in front of him, the bullmastiff protecting his conflicted owner. Crosshair crossed his arms avoiding his father's gaze as he glared directly at Buck who matched his own. 

"Diesel pin" 

"Callum!" Echo shouted as Diesel dived for Buck and pinned the squirming man. Buck could only sigh as he lay on the floor. Ace suddenly appeared by Crosshairs side growling at Fox who removed his gun placing it on the table. Crosshair smirked as he whistled, stopping both dogs who moved back to what they were doing earlier.

"Cody, Rex. Bring them all home" Jango ordered, stopping any arguments from beginning. All heads turned to nod at him.

"No" The one word shocked them all as all attention turned to Crosshair, "I am not travelling with you all, I can't leave Hawaii" Crosshair spoke up, he crossed his arms ignoring everyone. Jango and Boba shared looks, "What do you mean, you can't leave?" Boba asked his twin who softened his glare. 

"I can't leave…" Arms wrapped around his middle, looking back he lay his head on the shoulder. Buck nodded at him. Crosshair sighed, sweeping Timmy up into his arms when the toddler ran up to him. 

"What do you mean?" Tech asked.

Crosshair only looked back at them with sad eyes, Buck pulled him closer whispering words of reassurance. 

"Boba, search up, 08764, Brighton 973 on your database of Missing people" Buck spoke up, Boba did just that. Only to gasp, an image appeared on the screen only to reveal to be their mother. There on the screen was Quinlan Vos, but known as Toby Dawson. His son was listed down as Ethan Dawson. 

"Callum, explain!" Jango said in a calm tone knowing his youngest was already jumpy.

"About five years ago, while I was on patrol with Buck, I stumbled across some documents…".

"You mean you stole them"

Crosshair levelled Rex with a dirty glare, Jango cleared his throat.

"At first I was confused until I discovered something. Turns out Gator Tarkin, Carly's father had made mother disappear just after I was born. Buck went through many stacks of paperwork and soon found that Quinlan Vos had gone undercover intending on taking down the Tarkin Network only to be caught in the process. Mother didn't die, he sure made it look like it but he ran to protect us all. The house we are standing in was originally his, me and Buck have scoured it top to bottom and haven't found anything. Until the other day, Timmy tripped on something outside, a hidden room under one of the tennis courts is actually a spy network room. Mother was in trouble and he didn't reach out for help, he ran. He is still on this blasted island somewhere and I'm not leaving until I find him. If I have to kill to find him so be it" Crosshair explained, crossing his arms across his chest as well as glaring at his family who gave him a mixture of looks. 

"So, what are you, obviously you're not law enforcement?" Fives asked, dreading to know the answer. 

Buck and Crosshair shared a look, "We are Mercenaries" Buck answered, picking up and passing Timmy who demanded to be in Crosshairs arms. His own mother. 

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