*Halloween special*

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This is non canon and has nothing to do with my actual stories

A demon attacks the Skywalker house, Tech unleashes his inner mad scientist and Naboo is attacked by angry food


*Padme was dressing Rosie for bed when Anakin came in holding a package*

Anakin: Padme, my Pazuzu statue came *he shows her* all the way from Iraq

Padme: why did you buy that

Anakin: I thought it looked cool

Padme: just leave it here for now, we need to get the stuff for the dinner party ready *she left the room*

*Suddenly the statue's eyes glowed red, and so did Anakin's*

*Anakin picked up Rosie*

Anakin: *rocking her and singing in an evil voice* oh my dear sweet demon, gently close your eyes, because Pazuzu's in your nightmares, until we all are dead *he set her in her crib* sweet dreams Rosie don't let the crucifixes bite *he left the room*

*The statue's eyes lit up illuminating the darkened room*


*Everyone was downstairs enjoying the dinner party*

*Suddenly Rosie appeared at the top of the stairs, floating*

Rosie: *possesed by Pazuzu* no one leaves alive

Padme: ooh, her first words

Anakin: did someone get that on their phone*

Poe: *recording* weird thing for a baby to say

Bo Katan: she's a demon from hell, also pepsi instead of coke, cocktail fail

*Pazuzu makes the darksaber fly from Din's belt and it impales Bo Katan, killing her*

Padme: thank you

*All the guests were horrified*

*The doors and windows were all locked*

Anakin: well, at least we still have the liquor

*The demon poured it down the drain*

*Anakin tried to save it but only received a bowl of hot soup in his mouth*

Finn: my soup

Kix: someone's entering the terrible twos

Pazuzu: someone's been having an affair with his doctors wife

Kix: *pulling out a thermometer* say AHH

Pazuzu: aaaaadulturer

*Kix shoves the thermometer in the demon's mouth*

Kix: *reading the temperature* 127

*Pazuzu stabbed Kix in the throat with the thermometer killing him*

Cobalt: I'm afraid that little devil needs an exorcism

*Everyone looks at father Loomis*

Loomis: they didn't teach me those at Pepperdine

Padme: we need help

Later that night:

*A taxi drove up outside the Skywalker home and father Merrin got out the taxi and went up to the Skywalker house*

Merrin: Mrs Skywalker, I'm father Merrin

Padme: *letting him in* thanks for coming

Merrin: how is she

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