Wrecker's cookies

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Crosshair: No, that's not true, that's impossible

Wrecker: search your feelings, you know its true

Crosshair: no, noooooo, NOOOOOOO

Trix: Crosshair don't you think you're overreacting

Crosshair: no Trix, if anything I'm underreacting, after all these years Wrecker has finally made something edible, and not just edible, DELICIOUS, and cookies of all things, simple, chocolate chip cookies, they're absolutely scrumptious, how, I have to know

Wrecker: I used my secret ingredient

Cobalt: please tell me it's not the same thing you used in your super explosive chili sauce

Wrecker: I'd rather not go over that again, but no I use my special ingredient mix, nutmeg, some brown sugar, and some orange juice

Crosshair: they taste nice Wrecker, but I swear if there's something in these cookies that either burns my mouth, or explodes in my face I will find you and I will beat you all the way to Kamino and back

Wrecker: noted, you want anymore cookies, I've got plenty

Crosshair: hmm, perhaps just one or two DOZEN for the road

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