Crosshair's worst nightmare

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*Crosshair's nightmare*

*Crosshair enters the kitchen of a huge mansion where Hunter, Tech, Trix, Wrecker and Cobalt are having breakfast*

Crosshair: huh

Cobalt: greetings commander Crosshair, hope you slept well

Trix: are we talking the new nebulous on our next mission

Crosshair: let's see, I'm squad leader, no women gossiping, no loud kids, luxury ship, *cheers happily* I HIT THE JACKPOT

*He sits at the table*

Crosshair: Tech brother, would you please pass me a toothpick

Tech: toothpick, what's a toothpick

Crosshair: AAH! AAH! AAH!

*he quickly runs out the room screaming*

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