July 16, 2023

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Never have I ever hated my relatives more in my life okay so like today was my step sister macey's birthday party right? So everyone is there my stepdads family and friends my family and friends and we just finish getting through presents and have brought out the cupcakes and just as I go to take a bite of my cupcake my nana decided it would be hilarious to shove said cupcake into my face now this wasn't even the bad part so the cupcake is still pretty much in tack so I just clean off the icing from my face and then sit back down to finish my cupcake just for my aunt to come up and DESTROY MY CUPCAKE BY SMOOSHING THE WHOLE THING ALL OVER MY FACE so at this point I'm kinda disappointed cause all I wanted was a damn cupcake and apparently I can't even have that to my cupcake is all over my face and clothes so I get up go to the bathroom and clean off my face to then go up to my room and get changed because I will not be walking around covered in cupcake thank you very much, and within the time period of this event I have come to the conclusion that my family scares my stepdads family and to be honest that's a them problem.

That was quite eventful wasn't it?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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