January 21, 2023

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Today is Saturday and I was having a good time sleeping in when my mom comes in and says were going out for breakfast with the neighbours (Katie, Tim, Nicolas, Isabella) it was really nice we went to Eggsmart in town and I got Nutella banana waffles, they were absolutely amazing like always, after breakfast we went back home and I went upstairs and began working on my geography culminating the plan is to finish it over the weekend so I have more time at school to work on my French culminating because if I have nothing to do in geography then I can work on my French culminating during geography class but yeah I'm doing my work on the MacBook Air I got for graduation its actually really nice to work with, but anyway after awhile at about 4:00pm I'm told that we're going over to the neighbours for dinner (we had pizza) and I brought my Nintendo switch, a book and my MacBook over so I had things to do if I was to get bored while there. now I'll put this out there these people are like family to me, I've know them my entire life almost so we're very close, anyway while we were there the adults played damnit (a card game) I was working on my geography culminating for a good while everything else Natalie was over on the other side of the couch drawing (she's really good) and the younger ones were just being the younger ones obviously, eventually I got up and was being annoying to the adults and was given a wheeley chair and started rolling around in said chair, I eventually decided to grab my MacBook and continue doing work, Tim being Tim started questioning why I was doing school work over the weekend and so I told him my reasoning of course. sadly I was told that because my sister (Brianna) had decided she was going to be staying over meaning I had to go back home with her to get her pyjamas I grabbed my MacBook charger because it had been low on charge, we got back and I continued with my work until my MacBook died so I plugged it in and stared playing animal crossing on my switch until I decided that my MacBook was charged enough and I grabbed it and got back to work then before we went to leave Tim brought me to the basement (uh oh) and started looking for something, it turned out to be yarn and knitting books but anyway we went back up stairs and got ready to leave, we did leaving Brianna behind we went home and got ready for bed then went to sleep.

day 8 of MY DAYS and this was for sure a very good day

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