you can skip this but I thought it was funny

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so I don't know if we all saw that one comment on the first chapter (I am aware of how old it is at this point I just thought of doing this now) but I thought it was amusing when I first saw it and decided to respond; this is how it went : stuck up American - USA should invade your country, amazing me - that sounds like fun! a repeat of 1812 seems dear exciting! or do you not know what that is? I've heard that America likes to keep their losses out of their history books. ;),      mad American - a country can't survive solely on maple syrup exports  (bitch thinks he knows what he's talking about, how cute). awesome me - one can't survive on straight processed carbs either (ooooh IN YO FACE)  me again - and I felt the need to add that our largest export is crude petroleum, and maple syrup isn't even in the top twenty............ ok that's the end but I thought it was so funny that this guy went out of his way to comment something he must of thought would hurt my feelings; well sir I can ensure that I'm perfectly fine I actually enjoyed that and it just proved how little you know about other countries sooo I feel like I did a good job, how about the rest of ya? you think I did a good job? I mean he did kinda stop responding after I said the thing about processed carbs so I believe I did lol. ;)

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