January 18, 2023

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It was not a snow day. How disappointing. I had to get up like I did every other Wednesday, and of course after a boring hour long bus ride I went to geography with Ms. Cook and in class we had to do a group project thing it was pretty easy and I got put in a group with Jack Watson and Rylan Kendall (the guy I like). During French I had been talking to Paislie and apparently she wasn't at school today now I will put this out there I have very few friends that I'm close to like I am with Paislie and I'm just bad at making friends in general but we already know this so because of this I spent lunch alone which is like really sad and boring, but then when it was nearing the end of lunch I walked by Rylan and I could have sworn he nodded at me, now there is always the possibility that I'm going crazy and seeing things but there was nobody behind me and he most definitely nodded like his head moved up and down but honestly maybe there was someone behind me that I just don't remember seeing; after that whole little inner battle I had with myself it was time for math where we were to do EQAO today at least the first half of it and I had assumed it would be difficult right? It wasn't took me 20 minutes max and there was 27 questions so its either really easy or I'm just super smart (most likely the latter) but yeah, then I spent the rest of class finishing my culminating which I then handed in, then it was time for music where we again did little music playing meaning I spent most of my time conversing with Zachary and Brody, after music it was time to go to the bus so I could go home and babysit the littles because my mom had to stay at work late. When my aunt got home I got to spend some time alone in my room dancing around of course then it was time for dinner and we had eggs and toast and while we were eating my moms stupid dog would not shut up at all and it was so frustrating so we had to put his shock collar on him, now we don't usually need to shock him because we did a couple times and now the collar just being on him makes him quiet down so thankfully all I had to do was beep him (it has a beep button) after dinner and dealing with the dog I went to my room and got some time to chill by myself which I always love. About 4 hours later Natalie came up and that's when the mice in the walls decided it was a good idea to start talking and with that I began writing yesterdays chapter, when I finished writing I got ready for bed and went to sleep. 

day 5 I think for MY DAYS I'm liking it so far 

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