January 17, 2023

4 3 0

Natalie's alarm goes off at 5:50 am, why? Who knows but it ended up being a snow day, which here in Canada means that the quality of the roads outside could lead to the school district getting sued because a bus got stuck or you know slipped and slid down the road which is dangerous and so on and so forth but yeah so because of the fact that it was a snow day it meant that me, Natalie, and my little siblings were at home and because the adults have to go to work me and Natalie had to babysit the younger two (little assholes they are). Now I got to sleep in a little bit but was rudely awoken by my aunt telling me she was leaving for work which was her telling me nicely to get my ass out of bed and down stairs to watch the littles, after a few hours (around 1:00 pm) my cousin decided to make perogies for everyone for lunch and an hour later my mom gets back home from work and I go upstairs to be alone just to be followed up by Natalie so I end up sitting in bed watch Tik Toks because I'm a loser and have nothing better to do with my life and I'll tell you time flys when you're not doing anything so as I'm called down for dinner which happens to be spaghetti; now I'll be honest I don't like spaghetti sauce so I end up with noodles and sprinkles (sprinkles is what we call parmesan) and after I had one of these giant brownies that we have and I'll be honest it was a bad Idea because I was not feeling it afterwards but yeah that happened and around now is when I decided I was going to work on my math culminating and that's exactly what I did I got like half way through the first part when I thought of a great idea 'lets go bug mom and Jacob' so I went to go bug them like any normal child in the world would but sadly I was  eventually told to go away and leave them alone so I went back up stairs to work again on my math culminating I got to about half way through the second part when I made the choice to stop and go down stairs where Natalie also happened to be along with my mother and Jacob sitting on the couch. Me and Natalie then began talking about school and I accidently ended up dropping the F-bomb in front of my mom and even with all my apologies she decided that my punishment would be to make one new friend and I happen to be very bad at making new friends like seriously I'm super smart but struggle to make just one new friend but then Natalie had to open her big mouth and mentioned the boy I like and suggested that I get to know him better instead and now I have to discover what elementary school he went to, if he has any siblings and what racing class he's going to be in this summer (he races dirt bikes) but yeah Natalie has officially screwed me over and after this annoying situation I called Paislie my bestie of all besties and told her about my situation so she agreed to use her stalker skills for something of use and not for them to just sit there collecting dust so after my chat with Paislie I ended up laying with Natalie on her bed going through instagram reels and then at 10:30 pm I started getting ready for bed, like getting my pjs on and brushing my teeth and then went to bed hoping tomorrow would also be a snow day. 637

so day 4 of MY DAYS and I think its going quite well

637 words

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