April 17, 2023

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I hate my life........today we had our English presentations and I have never regretted something in my entire life cause this suuuuucked aaaaassssss and I hope to never do it again like ever, so I did a podcast right? and I thought it was half decent until I had to hear it during class I realized just how monstrous it really was, I don't believe I have ever truly regretted something as much as I regretted doing this stupid podcast and I should have just done a presentation and I hope to die early as to not live with this embarrassment for any longer, thank you for listening to my ted talk.

I lied, I didn't get caught up before school started my greatest apologies, also the next few chapters are likely to be reeeeeeally short because this is the point in time where nothing happens and everything gets really boring also I don't remember much of what happened

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