January 16, 2023

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6:00 am is too early; as today was a Monday it meant school, now even though I love to learn I hate people and waking up early, so when it's something I have to do everyday you get really sick of it. Now because I go to high school in a neighbouring town because we don't have one in mine it's about an hour long bus ride to get there, so I get on the bus at about 7:00 and get to school around 8:00. My morning class is geography and I'll be honest I hate geography with every bone in my body, the only thing I like about this class is that the boy I like ( Rylan Kendall ) is in this class and it's the only class we have together this semester but anyway geography goes by fast thankfully and next I have French because when you go to school in Canada French is a mandatory class from grade 4 to grade 9 but I unlike many others have a great language learning ability and love French class because I find it very easy; after period 2 we have lunch and I had some forms to drop off at the office so it took me forever to find my friends because they have a habit of wondering off, so when I finally find them, they were on the other side on town which is a pain in the ass because I hate having to walk all that far because I'm incredibly lazy but I find them and we continue with lunch; lunch ends at 11:40 but I often leave to get ready for class at 11:30 just to make sure I'm prepared and it was a day 2 meaning I had math next and I would say that I'm pretty good at math. Sadly today we had to practice for EQAO ( which is an important test thing if you need more information google it ) my practice went really good only messed up on like four of the questions and there were 27 questions but that was all we did in math so it was pretty boring and after I have music, band instrument music I play the alto saxophone and the tenor saxophone as well, it's pretty cool and I would say that I'm pretty good or at least decent but we actually only played our instruments for the beginning half of class the last half we spent working on our composition pieces for our culminating I am already finished mine so I spent the last half talking to people in my music class mainly these two guys Zachary Sparks and Brody Lini. When class ended it was time to go to my locker, collect my stuff in my bag and get back to the bus for another hour long bus ride, got home around 3:30 school ends at 2:20 but buses don't leave until 2:30 ish anyway, I get home and I forgot to mention but my cousin Natalie whom I share a room with goes to the same school as me as she's a year older, but anyway we get home and I notice that both my mom and stepdad are home, now my mom is often home from work when we get home but my stepdad works till 6:00 in Port Hope so he usually wouldn't be home for another 4 hours but it turns out he just didn't have work today. I ended up spending the time between getting home and dinner on Tik Tok because I have nothing better to do, dinner was ready around 6:20 like usual and we had caesar salad, baked macaroni and cheesy garlic bread; after dinner I went back to my room after saying thank you to my mother who cooked it and Natalie my cousin went to her moms room ( my Aunt Jessica my moms older sister ) where they watched a tv show leaving me alone in my room to do whatever I felt like in the privacy of my room I had decided that I would spend this time alone dancing which is like a side hobby of mine at this point but after a couple of hours it was 9:00 and time to get ready for bed you know get into my pyjamas, brush my teeth that kind of stuff when I finished I went into my moms room to bug her and my stepdad Jacob just because I can and in about an hour ( so it's now 10:00 ) I decided to go to my room and go to bed and that's exactly what I did, good night.

Day 3 of MY DAYS pretty uneventful if I do say so myself.

784 words without the blurb.

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