March 24, 2023

4 1 0

so I was right Paislie didn't come at all this week and by the sounds of it won't be here next week either or at least that sounds like her plan she might come one or two days out of the week, but I get why she doesn't want to come cause they have two classes together so she can't avoid him completely and I've been hearing things since about how he's going around making comments about how he's finally single and away from her and his friends make jokes about it too and I just don't have the heart to tell her myself so I'm kinda hoping jojo tells her or already has so I don't have to be the one to break her heart all over again; though I will say I am completely against her staying home for so long its making her look bad and people are talking and I had a bunch of guys come up to me this week asking if she was actually single and if I think she would get with them, it was really weird cause I grew up with most of the guys that asked and a few of them had girlfriends......... so I just kinda shrugged my shoulders and said I wouldn't know her taste in men is unpredictable, ask her when she comes back and then would walk away to my next class or where I was going for lunch, so yeah I spent my week feeling like shit for my friend and dealing with a bunch of fucking creeps that would rather ask me than her a couple already in solid relationships, now I don't plan on telling Paislie this because it will just stress her out so I tell mia about it she's like my Gretchen Weiner you know? yeah I think you do, anyway that's that. 

I loved mean girls not as much as I loved legally blonde but its a close second 

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