"At least five thirty," Tom commented, dinner was served at five; he assumed at least half an hour had gone by since then.

"Then we have half an hour to kill," Harry said, "I think it's best if we get everything sorted now," he always was packed ahead of time when it came to leaving somewhere. Whether it was leaving the Dursley's or Hogwarts or the unmentionable - The Burrow. "You finished?" knowing he was.

Tom nodded curtly, still distracted by everything he wanted to do, he rarely used his Wandless magic, correction, he rarely used it now since entering Hogwarts.

Having been under the impression his magic could be tracked and there was one thing he'd never risk and that was expulsion from Hogwarts. He'd had no idea about the magic that was keeping him safe from detection, so he could use his Wandless magic if he wanted to - and he definitely did.

Now to get away from Hadrian without arousing suspicion.

"Let's go," Tom said in agreement, once Hadrian had ambled back after putting the trays, plates, cups and cutlery away.

"Finally going to get a decent nights sleep," Harry said gleefully as they wandered up the stairs, both of them thrumming with excitement. "Hopefully Slughorn wont tell Dumbledore because I will be pissed if he does."

Tom just shook his head at Hadrian's display of emotion and words; he didn't believe Dumbledore would be a problem during the summer holidays. No, if anything he didn't want to think on the suspicious old man, even with Hadrian discussing it he truly didn't understand Dumbledore's problem with him.

So what if he had good control over his magic? So what if he was powerful? Dumbledore was as well! He couldn't be that scared of other powerful wizards could he? It made no sense, but he didn't really care for making sense out of Dumbledore he doubted even if he understood him that it would make everything better - in fact he'd bet it would make it worse. He often thought it was more to do with his ability to speak Parseltongue than anything else.

"Do you know a lot about the Slytherin line?" Tom asked as they got to their level.

"A bit, why what do you want to know?" Harry enquired opening the door to their room.

"Have they all been considered evil?" Tom demanded.

"Well..." Harry said thoughtfully, "In my time there was students who said that there wasn't a single Parselmouth that was good...I was accused of being evil when I was twelve years old but I think it was more to do with the recent generations than past ones.

"I mean the entire line is made of extremely powerful wizards, Tom, and you know what they say about powerful wizards - they make enemies, I wouldn't be surprised if they'd done a lot of good things in the magical world but there's just some idiots who are so deeply prejudice that they can't see through it.

"It gets worse down the line, I know of a few surprising couples that will come out in the next few years...and by that I mean really surprising so it's obviously not too bad here and now. I think you're also mixing up the characters of dark and evil, they aren't one in the same."

"You obviously mean Gryffindors and Slytherins then?" Tom said shrewdly.

Harry grinned and nodded as he packed, he was just so smart that Harry felt envious of his bloody brilliant mind. He could spend a lifetime getting to know him yet never be able to work out how that mind worked, he was a genius and Merlin the changes he could make to the magical world was extensive, bring them into a whole new era of understanding magic using it without prejudice.

Yet the route he had taken was doomed to fail from the beginning. What caused it? What had been the catalyst to turn Tom into a stark raving lunatic since it was quite obvious he wasn't one right now. He was angry bitter and jaded but not to the extent he wanted to kill...it had to happen within the next year right?

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