The rib had snapped into place just as everyone descended upon him, he stood shakily, having had a lot taken out of him by using so much healing magic - he wasn't used to it. He had copied what Yaxley had done to him, but it had worked so he wasn't complaining.

Although one thing had surprised him, the boy had innate magic, he wasn't magical, he didn't have a core, but part of his MOD abilities must allow him this information, he must be a descendant from a magical family, perhaps his father was a squib or mother? Who knew? Either way he'd summarise somewhere down the line he would have a child that was 'Muggle-Born'.

"Well done, son," one of the Air Raid Wardens said softly, "Why don't you give him to me? Everyone else is still waiting for you." he held his hands out but didn't grab the child from the young mans arms.

"GEORGE, OH MY GOD, GEORGE!" sobbed a woman as she came out of a shelter that had been created at some point. Tears were running heavily down her face, her face red, haggard and worn, she had obviously been crying all night but too terrified for her own life to come out of the shelter.

"Calm down," the Air Raid Warden said, "He will be just fine," he was paid to calm everyone down and help those that needed it. "We must get him to a hospital to be checked out Mrs. Granger." the warden pressed a calming soothing hand to her chest, stopping her from grabbing her son and causing him further injury.

Harry froze, his eyes going wide in surprise, his mind connecting to the Muggles for moments, it was enough time for him to understand that this was a descendant of Hector Dagworth-Granger, his son, Hector had obviously abandoned the woman, since he had gone 'missing' one day before she realized she was pregnant.

She loved him so much that she assumed someone had happened to him. The son was all she had left of him, he'd married a muggle, and well that was a surprise. He flashed back to Slughorn asking Granger if she was related to him, and she had said no, she didn't think so, since he was a 'Muggle-born' there was no such thing. Could he have just saved Grangers father...or was it grandfather?

'Yes, it is' Death informed him making an entrance sounding thoroughly amused.

"I saved his life?" Harry murmured, not sure how to feel about that. "But I shouldn't have been here...are you telling he would have died? If he died then Granger wouldn't be born...I don't see how that's possible."

'Your presence here is changing things in small ways you wouldn't normally notice if you were just an average wizard.' Death informed him bluntly.

"So what...he would have died and Granger wouldn't have been born?" Harry asked incredulously. Now that wouldn't have bothered him, it was nothing more than she would deserve. As much as he hated Granger, this was a little boy, he didn't deserve what would have happened to him - but did anyone deserve the fate they were doled out?

'Yes, they're trying to get your attention,' Death murmured quietly, knowing the Young master would need time to process everything.

"HADRIAN!" Tom shouted his face impassive but his dark brown eyes boring into his own were slightly concerned.

"Sorry," Harry said shaking himself out of his thoughts.

"He's in shock, he just needs somewhere warm and peace and quiet for a few hours," the warden said, speaking to one of the workers at the orphanage - whom Harry still didn't know the name of, delicately taking the child from 'Hadrian's' unresisting arms.

Giving the teenager one last concerned look before rushing off with the child and his mother hot on his heels not letting George out of her sight for a second.

"Come, Mr. Peverell," insisted the janitor, guiding the teenager back to the group, without saying anything.

The walk back to the orphanage seemed even longer than it took to get to the station, but he knew that it wasn't possible, they were going in the exact same route as before. They were tired, hungry and he just wanted to sleep - for the others though he wasn't sure but they had slept, he had seen it.

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