
Start from the beginning

Zayn was an Alpha, the top of the pack, while dogs were even below omegas. They obeyed humans until a werewolf was around.

They heard the distant barking of a dog and Zayn
assumed that Meadow had sniffed out Baela.
They both breathed hard by the time the hill
levelled out and the trees dispersed. They kept
walking until they were at the very top, next to the highest bench.

The boys stood side by side, looked down to
crescent town below. In the snow, the town was a
magical sight, white with yellow lights from every
building and streetlamp. The trees were like a
blanket of lumped snow, as far as the eye could

"Wow," Liam breathed. The sky was a pale yellow, and the world didn't feel so dark despite the moon hiding somewhere behind the storm.
Snow fell all around them, fluttering from the sky,
twirling and swirling against the gentle wind.

Liam held out a hand, letting the snowflakes land on his skin and melt almost immediately, despite his hands feeling so cold.

Beautiful, Zayn thought. He couldn't have asked for a better spot for a date.

He turned to the bench and used his jacket sleeve to wipe the snow off the wooden planks.

Liam sat down first, and Zayn swallowed his nerves and sat right next to him, leaving no air between them. Liam was bundled up, so sitting close wasn't quite as exciting. Still, Zayn was glad to be sharing a bench.

They watched the town and the woods for a while, both in awe of how something as simple as snow could transform gloomy places into a captivating beauty.

Zayn loved the woods with all his heart, but he had never seen it so bewitching.

Liam was entranced. The snow was always breath-taking, and not because it felt so cold.
Anything the snow touched transformed into a
prettier version.

"What's your favourite season?" Liam asked, subtly swinging his legs.

Zayn had to think. He would have said winter by
how wonderful the woods looked, but the snow
masked other smells and eventually got tiresome.

"Spring," he said because flowers bloomed, plants grew, the woods started to thrive again. Zayn had the pleasure of watching the woods transform.


"This," Liam said quietly, "there's nothing better."
Zayn looked down to Liam, sitting silently next to
him, inspired by something as simple as ice falling from the sky. Zayn could make it even better for Liam.

All Zayn needed was some courage.

He stared from Liam's big eyes to his rosy cheeks. Liam smiled, and his eyes deepened. Zayn's hazel eyes moved down to Liam's lips, soft and relaxed.

There will be no better time, Zayn thought.
Gently, he lifted his hands. His left one rested on
the back of Liam's neck, and his right one touched Liam's left cheek. Zayn softly turned Liam's head to face him.

Liam looked up, surprised by the warmth of Zayn's hand.

Desire boiled the blood in Zayn's veins. AIl he saw
were Liam's lips. All he felt was his heart longing for passion.

Zayn sat at the highest point of Ethdellin hill, amidst a blizzard, with his mate all cute and flustered.

There will be no better time.

Zayn looked around Liam's face before leaning close.

Liam's nose was as cold as an icicle, touching the
end of Zayn's.

Zayn brushed his nose against Liam's nose with a
pounding heart. He looked back to Liam's lips, now parted because he gasped.

The only warm part of Liam was his breath against Zayn's lips. Zayn couldn't stand his senses, going into overload. He generously lapped up everything he could: Liam's scent, his smooth cheek against his hand, his brown eyes, full and hopeful.

The time is now.

Zayn closed the gap between them and kissed him.

At first, the kiss was a graze of the lips, a warm
teasing as Zayn tempted Liam to press harder
against him.

Zayn misplaced his thoughts from that first touch.

The world around them melted away. Zayn lost
himself quickly; his affection took over. His mind
had felt like it was spinning, now his thoughts came to a halt, floating out of reach.

Their faces pressed together. Zayn's hot skin
heated Liam's now blazing cheeks.

Zayn grazed his lips again, and he couldn't stop
himself from pushing into him. He kissed Liam
properly, and Liam kissed back with the same
desperation as though he would lose the chance.
Liam's hands found their way to Zayn's jacket. He
gripped the black denim as their lips pushed
together again.

Zayn was hungry for Liam. He was ravenous for Liam.

Yet Zayn did all he could to keep their kissing soft
and slow and gentle.

A kiss on the cheek would have satisfied the
werewolf for a little while, but the human kissed
back with equal affection. Liam had wanted the kiss as much as Zayn.

Zayn's anxieties about taking such a leap had
vanished along with their breaths in the air,
crowded with snowflakes. Zayn had never felt so
content, at least, not for a long time. He had feared that Liam would be too overwhelmed.
A rejection would have sent Zayn's mind spiralling down and down into a place he would never find.

Now, he no longer had to worry.

Zayn's hand on Liam's neck tangled tenderly in his soft brown hair. The fingers on his cheek moved slowly to the rhythm of each kiss.

The placid hilltop was almost mute, apart from the tender breeze caressing what little leaves were left on the trees and creaking branches.

The snow was silent. The boys didn't hear it
covering them, the ground or the trees. Snow
buried the town below without a single notice.
Zayn would have kissed and kissed until dawn, but Liam pulled away. He looked at Zayn's face, relaxed and with his(Zayn's) eyes still closed. Liam smiled, and when those hazel eyes slowly opened, they softened, dropping to Liam's mouth.

Their foreheads rested together.

Kissing Liam had filled a void in Zayn. He felt whole and entirely at ease for the first time, ever. The feeling was so overpowering, Zayn smiled without realising.

His lips curled at the sides, and if Liam weren't so
fixated on Zayn's reaction, he would have missed it.

At the same time, the moon shone through a small parting in the clouds.

Zayn's tiny smile showed Liam how much Zayn had enjoyed the kiss. Liam felt the same way, light and happy.

Liam didn't know where he found the courage, but he lifted his hands and rested them on Zayn's
cheeks. His skin was hot, unusually hot.

"T-This is a good date," Liam whispered with their
foreheads still connected.

Zayn hummed a low note, agreeing.

Liam then moved his hands from Zayn's hot cheeks to the back of his neck. He wrapped arms around Zayn's broad shoulders.

Zayn closed his eyes as Liam rested the side of his
face on his shoulder. He cherished the feeling of
being embraced by his mate. Zayn felt comforted, which was also new. His mother often tried the best she could, but Zayn finally knew what his soul had been craving.

He wrapped arms around Liam too and hugged him as tightly as he could, finally able to bury his nose into Liam's hair.

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