Year Six: Intro And Table Of Contents

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Grace's time at Hogwarts is halfway to an end, and there's one big problem: she's in love with Draco Malfoy, but she's still dating Harry Potter. She doesn't want to be a part of this war, but she's spent the last two years wedging herself into it. And event after event proves that she doesn't belong where she is, but there's no escape in sight. Before school even starts, Dumbledore informs Grace that her father is going to be kept very busy this year. So Dumbledore tells her that it's best to treat him as a father instead of Snape. He tells her he wants her to become his daughter.

Grace and Draco are no longer on speaking terms, and seemingly, neither are Grace and Harry. Harry is becoming more distant as Grace realizes that Harry...may not be in love with her anymore. As she watches Draco from a distance, wishing she could tell him how sorry she is, she notices that he's become despondent. Even Jane and Blaise admit that he's been acting strange ever since Grace left Slytherin. She can tell something is bothering him, but she has no idea what it is. But she's determined to be there for someone she loves whether he loves her back or not. And she's determined to come back home and reunite with her friends. And she's determined to be a good daughter. But as a twist of events causes her feelings towards her father to plunge, a question lingers: Who's daughter is she? And if she's not really Snape's daughter anymore, does she still have to follow his only rule?

I made a Spotify playlist! Each song on the playlist matches a chapter of the book, and it's all music from 96/97 to be accurate to the time!

Or search: "Grace Snape's 3rd Year At Hogwarts (6th year)" On Spotify

Chapter One: A Visit

August 1996 - Spinner's End, Cokeworth

Chapter Two: Dumbledore's Daughter

August 1996 - London/ The Weasley Burrow

Chapter Three: Wandering Eyes

August 1996 - Diagon Alley

Chapter Four: Trouble In Paradise

September 1996 - Hogwarts Express/Hogwarts

Chapter Five: My Copy Of Advanced Potion Making

September 1996 - Hogwarts

Chapter Six: Quidditch Tryouts

September 1996 - Hogwarts

Chapter Seven: The Half-Blood Prince

September 1996 - Hogwarts

Chapter Eight: Curses, Questions, And Very Few Answers

October 1996 - Hogwarts

Chapter Nine: The Slug Club

November 1996 - Hogwarts

Chapter Ten: A Game Of Quidditch, And Then Some

November 1996 - Hogwarts

Chapter Eleven: Moving On

December 1996 - Hogwarts

Chapter Twelve: Taking A Chance

December 1996 - Hogwarts

Chapter Thirteen: Dashing And Dateless...Again

December 1996 - Hogwarts

Chapter Fourteen: Confession

December 1996 - Hogwarts

Chapter Fifteen: Coming Home

January 1997 - Hogwarts

Chapter Sixteen: A Little Catching Up

January 1997 - Hogwarts

Chapter Seventeen: Best Friends Tell Each Other Things (A Summary Of The Story So Far)

January 1997 - Hogwarts

Chapter Eighteen: Harry's Plead

February 1997 - Hogwarts

Chapter Nineteen: The Breaking Point

March 1997 - Hogwarts

Chapter Twenty: To Spy Or Not To Spy

April 1997 - Hogwarts

Chapter Twenty-One: Tell Me What's Bothering You

May 1997 - Malfoy Manor

Chapter Twenty-Two: All Greats Fall

June 1997 - Hogwarts

Chapter Twenty-Three: The End Of An Era

June 1997 - Hogwarts

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