Chapter Seven: Cedric Diggory

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September 1994 - Hogwarts

Jane and I must have tested the door a million times to make sure it worked. I couldn't get over how cool it was. Jane and I made our way to the great hall for breakfast on the first day of classes, only to find that everyone from our group except Draco was there.

"Where's Draco?" I asked, sitting down.

"Dunno," Blaise said. "He told me to give you this." Blaise handed me a note.


Sorry, I couldn't be there for breakfast. I had to get to DADA a little early. I'll see you in class, and I can't wait for lunch ;)

I smiled as I read it.

What was he planning for lunch?

And just like that, 100%. I was 100% won over by him, and willing to get into a secret relationship. Willing to hide it from my dad. I had to go tell him.

"I'll be right back," I said. But I wasn't planning on coming back. If Draco had to get to DADA early, so did I. I couldn't contain my smile as I strutted through the halls. Draco had won me over completely. And nothing, not even my dad, was going to get in the way.Except for maybe the guy who bumped into me in the hallway.

"So sorry," he said.

"No, it's alright," I said. I refocused to see a guy towering over me. He was gorgeous, wearing Hufflepuff robes. 

"Oh- you're Grace? Snape's daughter?" My heart stopped.

"Yes," I said.

"I'm Cedric," he said. "Cedric Diggory.

"Nice to meet you," I said, blushing.

"Sorry we had to meet like this," he said, also blushing. "I wanted to introduce myself sometime but this isn't exactly what I had in mind." I could barely form words. What did he just say?

"Well...I guess it's more memorable when it doesn't go our way," I laughed.

"I guess so," he said back. "That's quite philosophical." Is it?

"Is it?" I asked. "I don't consider myself very philosophical."

"Well you should," he said. "It suits you." At about this point in the conversation, I became consciously aware that my heart had stopped. "Were you on your way somewhere or would you like to join me for breakfast?" My heart started beating again, but way too fast.

"Well I was just on my way to class," I said.

"Class doesn't start for forty minutes," he said.

"I know. I just.." I trailed off. He smiled at me.

"You've had breakfast?"


"Care to join me?"

"I don't know you," I said to him.

"You can get to know me," he said. This whole situation was making me flustered. I've never been popular. In fact, I've always been somewhat invisible. But suddenly I've been given the perfect opportunity to boost my popularity. With a teacher as a father, a brand new school in a brand new world, a sense of mystery to my name, and Cedric Diggory asking me to eat breakfast with him on my first day of classes, how could I pass it up?"Well I was just on my way to class," I said.

"Like a date?"

"Exactly like a date," he said. I smirked at him.

"Aren't you a little old for me?" I asked.

"I'm 16," he said. "I turn 17 in October."

"I'm 14," I said. "I turn 15 in two weeks."

"That's not so bad," he said. I thought about it for a moment. It wasn't bad at all. And my dad said he wouldn't get involved in who I date. And Cedric was quite the charmer. "So how about that breakfast date?" I smiled and he took my arm and walked me right back into the great hall.

"So tell me how you're a new student in your fourth year and Snape's daughter," he said. I smiled.

"It's kind of a weird story," I said. He looked eager to hear it. I took a breath. "Once upon a time, Severus Snape had a one-night stand with a girl from London. Well, she got pregnant and decided not to tell him. And everything was good for about eleven years until a letter from Hogwarts came in the mail, and she realized her daughter was a witch. She panicked, hid the letter, and became distant for years. Then one day she had enough, contacted the ministry, told them she had Severus Snape's daughter, left me a note, and disappeared. So I went to live with my dad and spent the summer catching up on school. And here we are. How's that?"

"That was definitely a story," he said. "So who all have you met here?"

"Well, I met Draco over the summer. And I've been sorted into Slytherin, so naturally, I've met Crabbe, Goyle, Blaise, and Jane. I've seen Harry Potter, but we haven't formally met." He couldn't stop staring at me. "What?" I asked with a smile.

"You know everyone talks about you, right?" he said.

"What?" I said.

"Everywhere I go I hear your name mentioned. And all the guys fancy you." I laughed.

"No way," I said.

"It's true," he persisted. "See that guy over there?" he said, gesturing towards someone at the Ravenclaw table. "He said he was going to offer to clean Snape's potion cabinet to get on his good side before asking you out." I looked back at Cedric in disbelief. "I'm not joking," he said, smiling. "See Harry over there?" I looked over at Harry. I smiled at him, and when he smiled back, the water he had just drank spit out of his mouth. He turned away quickly. Cedric and I laughed. "Well, that says it all. He couldn't stop talking about seeing you on the train."

"Really?" I asked. Cedric nodded.

"Well, we're not used to new people. Or teacher's children. So everyone's a little obsessed. Is there anyone you fancy?" he asked me. I waited for a moment before sitting up straight and looking directly at him.

"Well, you're the only one who's asked me on a date. So just you," I said. He looked surprised.

"Really?" he asked. I nodded. "Well, I'm honored you gave me the time. What's your first class?"

"Defense against the dark arts," I said.

"Shall I walk you to it?" he offered. I nodded.

I could tell Cedric was very popular. Everyone said hello to him as we walked to class. And since I had just found out that I was also somewhat popular, I noticed twice as many eyes as usual on me as we walked through the halls. He stopped outside of the class.

"So this is where I leave you," he said. "When can I see you again? That is if I've earned a second date." I laughed.

"You definitely have," I said. "I'll let you know. Let's talk after lunch."

"Not during?" he asked.

"I already ditched my friends at breakfast this morning," I said. "I'd better spend some time with them so they're not onto us."

"And what's wrong with that?" he asked. "It's a relationship, not a secret. Why do we have to hide it?" I paused and thought about it.

I didn't have to hide it. But there was one relationship that I would have to hide.

"We don't," I said confidently. "I still want to spend time with my friends. After lunch?" He held my hand before walking away slowly.

"Until then," he said. I smiled as I turned around and walked in the door. And of course, waiting at the door for me was Draco. 

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