Chapter Nine: First Times All Over Again

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October 1995 - Hogwarts

We went out into Hogsmeade like we planned. The four of us had lots of fun, but I couldn't wait until Ron and Hermione left so it could be just Harry and me. We couldn't stop staring at each other awkwardly. And then the time came that we planned to go inside.

The four of us started walking back to school, then Harry and I stopped at the bridge while Hermione and Ron kept going.

"You coming?" Ron asked.

"We'll catch up," Harry said. Ron shrugged, but Hermione smiled at me. She knew. She totally knew. I smiled back, and as she caught up with Ron, I saw Jane running towards me.

"Hey you," she said.

"Hey Jane," I said, confused.

"Ready?" she asked. Ready? Ready for what? Oh! We had plans. The same plans as Harry and I.

"Ready for what?" Harry asked me. I panicked. I needed some time with Jane. We planned this because we haven't had time together. But Harry. My first date with Harry.

"Go on, Harry," I said. "I'll be there in a few minutes." Harry walked away, and Jane looked at me, confused.

"What's going on?" she asked.

"God, Jane I am so sorry," I said. "Last night Harry asked me out. Like on a date. I totally forgot we had plans. I am so so sorry and I will make it up to you."

"Ok, Grace," she said. "I will make an exception this one time because it's Harry and I know this means a lot to you. But I don't like being disregarded like that. So don't let it happen again. Now go, you have a date."

"Ok," I said. "I promise I won't! I love you, Jane! Bye!" I ran off to catch up with Harry. Thank god. I will make it up to her. I miss her too much to not.

When I caught up to Harry, he was walking into Three Broomsticks, and he held the door open for me. We both smiled nervously as we walked in and found a table. But what now? I had been waiting for this for so long, and I couldn't say anything.

"So," Harry said.

"So," I said back awkwardly.

"What did Jane want?"

"Oh, nothing. Just had to take care of something."

"So... how are you liking Gryffindor?"

"I'm liking it pretty well now that I've won that game. I feel like I'm settling. I think people like me."

"Good," he said. "Yeah, I can tell people are taking to you."

"So tell me something," I said. "What did Gryffindor think of me last year? When I was new."

"Well everyone was shocked to find out Snape had a daughter. And I think everyone was secretly hoping you'd be joining their house. You were just fascinating. But nobody was surprised that you were sorted into Slytherin. Or that you became friends with Malfoy. And I think after that everybody just assumed you were just like Snape. Everyone assumed you were a cliquey Slytherin. So we all kind of avoided you. Then you started dating Cedric, and I guess that's when Hufflepuff loved you. But when you and Cedric broke up and he started dating Cho, everyone kind of picked sides."

"I noticed that," I said. "It was so weird. Like at the game, Hufflepuff was completely divided."

"Yeah," Harry said.

"Whose side were you on?" I asked jokingly as I laughed.

"Well, I had bigger things to worry about," he laughed. "But yeah, there was a weird social division. But then people started noticing that you were a little different. Like how you're a Slytherin but you hate Pansy just as much as the rest of us. Or like when you visited George in the hospital. It threw everyone off. You don't really act like Snape. And you're, you know, nice to people."

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