Chapter Twenty-Two: Grace vs Cho

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April 1995 - Hogwarts

Ever since Cedric and I became friends again, I started noticing a weird division among the students. It started when I noticed that half of Hufflepuff supported Slytherin, and half supported Ravenclaw at the match. Then I noticed that whenever I talked to Cedric, we got a strange variety of smiles and mean looks. Then I noticed that the same thing was happening to Cedric and Cho. Then I realized. People were pitting Cho and I against each other. Some people were really big fans of Cedric and I as a couple. Some people were really big fans of Cedric and Cho. And ever since Cedric and I became friends again, people started thinking that I was going to try to steal Cedric back from Cho. It made things awkward between Cho and I. I had nothing against her, but I think she was scared of me. But at the end of the day, it didn't matter. Because Cedric was with Cho, and everyone knew that. And I was with Draco, even though nobody knew.

"Jane," I tried to explain as I helped her study in the library. "Ashwinder eggs, rose thorns, refined peppermint oil and moonstone. It's a very popular potion, and it smells different for everyone. Come on."

"I don't know," she insisted. "Amortentia?"

"Yes!" I screamed, but I was shushed by the librarian. "See? You'll be fine."

"Yeah she got it right," Draco said. "But it took her ten minutes to guess one potion. The test will cover thirty, and we only have an hour." Jane groaned.

"Jane, you always make such a fuss about your marks," Blaise said. "And then you always do just fine. Maybe you should just relax."

"Maybe I always do just fine because I make such a fuss," Jane said.

"Oh there you are, Miss Snape," I heard a voice say. I turned to see professor McGonagall walking towards me. "I need to see you in my office?"

"Am I in trouble?" I asked.

"No," she insisted. "I just need you in my office." I started to walk towards her, but Draco followed me. "Not you, Mr. Malfoy," she said.

"It's okay, Draco," I said. "I'll be back. Jane's not going to pass this potions test without me." Jane scoffed as I walked away. We were walking out of the library when she spotted Harry and his friends.

"Oh hello, Potter," she said. "I need to borrow Mr. Weasley and Miss Granger." The three of them started walking hesitantly towards us. "Not you, Potter. Just the two of you." Everytime I saw Ron, I was sure he hated me more and more. Hermione was a little different. Ever since I started showing her up in class, I could tell she didn't like me too much, but I don't think she hated me.

When I walked into McGonagall's office, a little Beauxbatons girl was already there, patiently waiting.

"What's going on?" Ron asked as we all took a seat.

"I'm sorry I have to do this," she said. She raised her wand towards our faces and cast a spell. But I didn't catch which one it was because that's when I blacked out.


I gasped for air as I was pulled out of the water. I heard cheering as my eyes adjusted to the light.

"Cedric! Cedric! Cedric!"

I looked at who was holding me, and it was Cedric. I was amazed. How did I get from McGonagall's office to the black lake with Cedric Diggory?

"Grace!" I heard a voice say. Then I saw Draco pull me out of the water, followed closely by Jane and Blaise. I was still regaining my senses. "Oh my god! Grace, are you ok?!" Draco asked, wrapping a towel around me.

"Grace!" Jane said. "Oh my god! I couldn't sleep last night just wondering where you were!" Behind everyone crowding me, I noticed my dad standing in the back. Not rushing to my side to make sure I was ok, just watching from a distance. Then Cedric leaned over to me.

"Are you ok?" he asked calmly.

"Yeah," I said lightly.

"Good," he said. "I'll be back." When he walked away, I noticed my dad pat him on the shoulder. Then Jane threw herself on me while Draco stood back in shock. 

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