
Start from the beginning

He was almost at the library when someone grabbed his bag and pushed him down the alley where the bins were kept. Liam's hat fell over his
eyes as someone shoved him against the brick
wall. His bennie was yanked from his head.

Liam held his breath when Harry was in front of him, glaring and gripping his coat. Harry was taller but didn't quite tower over Liam like Zayn did.

"Have you told anyone about the other day?" Harry growled.

"T-The other d-day?" Liam stuttered. His fingers
started to tremble, but Harry was on his own, and
he wasn't as terrifying without his idiot friends
egging him on.

"About what happened in the woods."

Liam shook his head. "Nobody would believe me if I did," he whispered, apart from Zayn, who believed Liam far too easily. Liam suspected that Zayn had seen the wolf before. He lived in the middle of the woods and got up to god knows what at the institute.

"Damn right they wouldn't" Harry gripped him
tighter and pushed him harder against the wall. "If you dare mention what I did, I'll end you. Do you understand me?"

Liam nodded, pursing his lips so Harry couldn't see his bottom lip quivering.

Harry then let him go and straightened out his coat.

Liam didn't dare move. He exhaled slowly to regain his composure. "H-Harry," he dared to speak, "I understand your, um, your reaction after what happened with-"

Harry turned and swung a fist in Liam's direction. Liam ducked just in time, and Harry's knuckles collided with the brick wall instead of his face.

Harry cried out, and Liam tried to run. Harry yanked him back by his bag and flung Liam to the ground.

He kicked Liam in the stomach three times, and each time was harder than the last.

Liam curled into a ball, winded and clutching his

Harry then bolted back down the street as a tear dribble down Liam's cheek and onto the ice
underneath him.

Zayn looked at the door again, but the people
walking into the central part of the library were not Liam.

"I thought he would come straight after his lesson's" Zayn said to Baela who sat on the chair opposite, and with her back to the door.

"You should have texted him to meet you here
instead of playing the guessing game" Baela said.
Zayn glared, and she quickly shifted her gaze to the bookshelf behind him.

Minutes and minutes went by. Zayn started to feel a strange cold sensation in his chest. He rubbed it with a confused frown. When his skin started tingling, Zayn knew something wasn't quite right.

Deep down, he felt odd.

"Are you alright, Alpha?" Baela asked when Zayn
seemed concerned.

"Something isn't right," Zayn mumbled. His
intuition prodded him all over. "Liam should be

"What do you feel?" Baela asked.

"I don't-" Zayn looked up when the door opened,
and the sweet smell of his mate drifted through the room. Along with the addictive scent was fear.

Baela could smell it too.

They watched as Liam, with his head down, hurried to the couch with a frown. Zayn didn't like his seriousness.

Only when Liam slung his bag from his shoulders did he notice Zayn and Baela. "Oh" he said, and the frown left his brows. "H-Hi."

"Hello," Baela beamed, but Liam only stared at
Zayn as if he had said something surprising.

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