S1-E9: Deus ex Machina

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We see Miko sitting in a classroom with a textbook that says "World History." She's supposed to be doing a history report, but of course Miko doesn't want to be doing school stuff; especially 'cause of where she is now. Miko: "Pbht. Detention. Ugh." she says as she places down the book and lays her head and arms on the desk in boredom. Her perks back up when she heard the sound of tires screeching and then the loud sound of terrible heavy shriek metal music that she for some reason loves. She looks out the window she's next to to see that her guardian and friend has arrived to pick her up. She looks at the teacher to see she isn't paying attention at the students at all, so she decides to take advantage of it. Bulkhead: "YE-E-E-E-AH [scatting] Ow, ow, ow Yeah Ye-e-e-e-ah" Miko then jumps in Bulkhead and joins in the "singing". "I love this song! Yeah! [scatting]" Bulkhead: "Miko, I thought you had a history report to do. Did detention end early?" Miko buckles up before saying, "Did for me." She then looks in the rear view mirror and gets concerned. ""Uh-oh. Here comes teacher, and she doesn't look happy. Step on it Bulkhead!" she says hiding herself. Bulkhead couldn't believe what Miko isn't making him do. "Ah, Miko." he says putting metal to the pedal.

We now see Bulkhead driving on the desert road to the base while trying to talk some sense into Miko. Bulkhead: "Miko, I'm supposed to be your guardian, not your getaway car. You can't just cut detention. What if your parents found out?" Miko: "They live in Tokyo, remember? And don't even worry about my host parents. I think I scare them." "[sigh] Miko, listen... if you fail high school, you can't go to, uh... uni-- uh, it's "keys" -- uh, "codge" -- Wait, wait. W-W-What's that word again?" "Uh, "College"? The two enter the base and Miko gets out rather annoyed at what Bulkhead just said. "Ugh, you sound like my parents." Bulkhead: "Well, aren't they Japanese?" "They may speak a different language, but you say the same things." "Because we want what's best for you. And that means making sure you go to school, not jail." Jack, who is listening from above, is rather amused and interested on what Miko did. Jack: "Uh-Oh, what'd you do?" Bulkhead: "Look Miko, before I became a warrior, I was a laborer: construction. I can build stuff. I can break stuff. And that's it." Miko: "I love breaking stuff. I want to be just like you, Bulk." "Ugh. Why would you want to be like me when you can a-a medic like Ratchet?"

As he says this, the computer started beeping, meaning its scanners have detected something. Ratchet: "I'm detecting a fresh energon pulse from the nation called "Greece". An ancient city; quite historic, I believe." Nakala: "Ancient Greece was founded over over a decamillennium ago during the "Geometric period" by two major groups of people called the Minoans and the Mycenaeans." he says taking his attention off his second creation for a moment. "Unfortunately, not much is about either of these groups because they did not leave an abundance of written or physical evidence to provide clues about their civilization." he says putting his attention back on making his second creation, which Wingblade is happy to be getting a sibling. Bulkhead: "Ancient Greece, huh? Oh field trip." he says smirking.

We now see the warship in the dark sky where is thundering and lightning. Starscream: "It's about time, Knockout. I do not enjoy being kept waiting." Knockout walks in the bridge where Starscream is watching the sky. Knockout: "[sighs] It was a long drive. Starscream. I'm still picking bugs out of my grille." "Yes, right. You're one of those." "Come again?" "Never understood why any self-respecting Decepticon would choose automobile as his vehicle mode when he could have flight." "I like the way I look in steel-belted radials." With that out of the way, the two walk toward the lab where Knockout asks Starscream, "I take it Lord Megatron requires a laboratory assist." Starscream: "You...might say that." he says as he opens the door for Knockout to be surprised at what he sees. Megatron is on a medical berth while hooked up to life support and looks all rusty and dirty. Knockout: "Woah."

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