Lingering Feelings | Marcus Pike |1|

Start from the beginning

Your son quickly hugged you and you kissed his forehead.

"I'll see you soon, honey." you smiled.

Dean grabbed Declan's bag and started to take him away. You really don't like leaving Declan with him, but there's nothing you can about it. You watched your son get into Dean's car and started rummaged through your bag, grabbing out your keys and gun, walking over to your SUV. While doing so, you also grabbed out your badge and clipped it to your belt.

Half an hour passed by and you pressed the button to go up to the sixth floor, not knowing one of your friends and coworker, Jen was behind you, until she whacked both her hands on her shoulders, in attempt to scare you, which worked. You jumped a few feet in the air and whipped around, seeing her amused smile.

"Ooo, did I scare you?" she spoke, doing her best spooky voice.

"Yes." you exclaimed, whacking her arm.

She laughed and sighed loudly, watching the elevator doors open.

"You want your usual?" she asked, patting your arms like drums as the doors closed.

Your usual is a cup of tea with three sugars with milk. You haven't had one this morning, so you could really use one right now, considering you still had a lot of paperwork to get too. The two of you arrived on the sixth floor. While Jen walked off to the kitchen area, on the phone to her girlfriend, you went to your desk, groaning at the paperwork you saw.

You stood in front of your desk, your back turned to everyone as you picked up the first file of the pile, scanning your eyes over it. Another coworker of yours, Theo, walked up to you, tapping your shoulder, making you quickly turning around.

"Y/n, we're all meeting in the conference room. ..." he spoke "...Meeting our new boss, I guessin."

"I'll be there in a second. Jen is in the kitchen, making a cup of tea."

"And talking to her girlfriend, yeah?" he spoke, as the the of you walked to the conference room. He didn't need you to answer, he already knew that was the case.

You and Theo walked in being met with the other two other members of the team, Delaney and Will, each we're drinking a cup of coffee. Also a case file placed in front of each seat.

"Hey, boys." you smiled, sitting down next to Will.

They each said their hellos. You picked up the case file and the door to the conference room opened, Jen walking in, still talking to her girlfriend. Oddly enough, she was carrying a bowl of popcorn. Which happens to be your favourite, and has been since you were a kid. You looked at the bowl confused and saw what was in it when Jen put it on the table, hanging up the phone.

"So..." she sighed, sitting down next to you "...I just met our new boss. He was making a bowl of popcorn and told me to bring it in?"

"Suck up?" Will suggested, grabbing a handful and shoving it into his mouth.

You also grabbed some, chucking one up and stuck out your tongue, catching it. The team started a casual conversation, not knowing their new boss had walked into the room.

"It's probably some sort of icebreaker. But sweet!..." you smiled, eating a few more "...Popcorn's my favourite."

"I was hoping it still was. ..." a male voice spoke "...It would a bit awkward if it wasn't."

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