Co Stars & Interviewer | Pedro Pascal |2|

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I stood in my lounge room with my stylist, Maddie. The movie premiere for our new movie is in three days and now we are choosing my dress. I've narrowed it down to three options. A versace pink lace dress, a dark blue satin dress with a leg spilt and a mauve coloured dress.

I love all of them when I tried them on, but it's so hard to choose between these three. I wrapped my arm around my waist, biting my nails. My stylist is also torn. She doesn't know either, she loves these dresses just as much as I do.

"Do you know what your costar is wearing?..." she asked "...Maybe you could match him?"

I don't know what he's wearing. I haven't seen him since we did the interview last night. Said interview is already uploaded. It was uploaded with no cuts, don't ask me why because I have no fucking clue. I watch the video to see how it turned out and I saw the comments, majority of them, telling us that we should get together, and some people claiming that we already are.

The most replayed part of the YouTube video is where I write Pedro the note. I've seen people debate in the comments what the note had on it, but no one is right so far, they're funny to see though.

"No, I don't." I sighed, looking at the versace pink lace dress more closely.

I heard Maddie's phone bing and let out a relieved sigh, knowing it wasn't mine. My phone has been going off it's head for the past hour. It got so bad that I had to put out on silent. I ran my fingers over the fabric. I'm a big texture person so it has to be right. A loud gasp fell from her lips, making me turn around, looking at her confused.

"Maddie, what's wrong?"

She looked up at me with widened eyes and cleared her throat.

"I think I know why your phone's been going off. ..." her tone shocked.

Fear implanted in my chest, and I let out a sigh. I haven't done anything bad, and I just thought they were talking about the new interview.

"...Look at your tags and mentions." she pointed to my phone.

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket, looking at absurd amount of notifications. I clicked on the first tag and my eyes widened, seeing what topic of the tweet was.


Under the text was a photo that was taken of the note. My stupid ass left it on the table. I need to tell Pedro. He most likely has no clue on what is happening. I went to my contacts, looking back up at Maddie.

"Excuse me, I need to make a call."

I walked into the other room and pressed on call, putting it to my ear. After a few rings he answered the call, hearing his smile over the phone.

"Do you know what you're going to wear to the premiere?..." his tone sounding amused "...Because I have no clue."

"Yeah, I'm leaning towards one. Uh, Pedro...." I cleared my throat "...something's happened."

"Is everything ok?" he asked, concerned.

"That..uh...that note got out." I spoke reluctantly.

"What? What note—oh."

"Yeah..." I sighed, shaking my head "...come over when you're ready and I'll show you the tweets and everything."

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