Disrupted Phone Calls | Javier Pena |2|

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The whole day had gone by and we are currently preparing for a raid, a tip off we had received from an anonymous caller. We're preparing for it to be false, but considering the bulletproof vests we're putting on right now, there's a part of us that believe in the tip.

I heard Steve's voice raise, deciding to be a bit nosy and listen in. I looked to the side, seeing Javi standing beside him, fiddling with his vest, along with the Ambassador.

"That's enough, Murphy. ..." the Ambassador spoke sternly "...Do I need to talk to you like you're a child? Y/n is a decorated Agent, who's been on many these raids. She is ready."

Right. So this is about me. Great. I've had enough of this. It's bad enough that Javi hasn't spoken to me, but Steve has been giving me shit all day.

"Ambassador, she hasn't been in the field for two years."

"Because I was recovering from four gunshot wounds, you prick." I yelled out, walking over to the three.

"That's exactly my point." Steve glared at me.

"Murphy, she has stayed up to date with her training. Do I need to keep you from going in this raid?"

"Jesus, just leave it, Murphy." Javi sighed.

Steve scoffed and shook his head.

"No, Ambassador." he spoke, annoyed.

"Good, now go on. The three of you." she motioned the three of us away.

A horde of us walked out to the cars, raining bucketing down, thundering. We're hoping that it'll be an advantage to block out some noise of us arriving. Steve and another officer got in the front seat. I looked over at Javi and he sighed deeply, motioning me to get in first. I climbed in and he followed along, closing the door a little to loud for my liking.

We sat on each side, leaving the middle seat unoccupied. The car started to drive and a deep sigh left my mouth. I can't say I'm not nervous. First time being out on the field in two years, I hope these two are going to have my back.

Javi cleared his throat and I looked at him. I think he sort of sensed I'm looking at him, because he looked my way. For the first time today, I saw a softness in his eyes. The same softness I missed seeing when he looked at me.

He breathed in deeply and looked away, exhaling. I continued looking at him for a moment, before turning away. I rested my head against the window, watching the rain fall on the glass. What did I do for him to be mad at me?

Half an hour passed by and the rain had not relented at all, if anything it was getting heavier. With a quick rundown and recap, we all got out of the cars, our guns raised. Guards, straight away. Steve let off the first shot, getting the guard in the neck. I shot the second guard, swearing I got him in the head.

Javi kicked down the door, panicked and angry people behind it. The smell of cocaine flooded my nose, shuddering in disgust. Some people put their hands up, others obviously started to bolt. Gunshots started to be fired and the whole building was filled yelling, pleas and cracks as the bullets left our chambers.

I started firing my gun towards the perps, almost every time narrowly getting a bullet in my body. Thankfully, I'm wearing a fucking vest, so I guess it sort of limits my chance of dying. I watched a man escape out the back and started to sprint after him.

"No vayas solo!" Javi called out.

I'm 90% sure that's directed at me, but I'm not going to listen. I chased the man through a narrow hallway, jumping over a few dying bodies, along the way, the guy leading me out to yarded area.

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