Lingering Feelings | Marcus Pike |1|

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Ahh, Marcus is such a sweetheart, he deserved so much better!😭

You were told you were getting a new boss a week ago. You don't know who it is, but all you do know is your current boss is retiring. You hated the guy with a passion so you don't mind. But today is the day your new boss arrives.

All you know about your new boss, is that he is a he. You're assuming he knows about the team though, he would of had too. He's coming into a good team, you will admit that. You find yourself hoping he is at least a decent person.

"Mommy?" your four year old, pulled on your loose button up, and in turn untucking it from your trousers.

You leaned down to Declan's height, giving him a smile. He has a Batman backpack on and a matching hat. He got them at the fair his father took him to yesterday. You wanted to go but a pile of paperwork ended up in your desk and you couldn't get out of it.

"What is it, honey?" you asked.

"Can we play on the swing?" he asked, already tugging you to the door, as if you've already said yes.

There is a park right out the front of your apartment building. Declan, like any other kid absolutely adores the park. But he's favourite is the swing. He likes to think he's flying, yelling "Batman" at the top of his lungs when he went high in the sky. His father will be here to pick him up in like ten minutes and it's not like he hasn't picked him up from the park.

"Let me get my bag." you spoke, walking over to the lounge, getting your messenger bag.

You walked over to a small cupboard, getting a set of keys out of your bag. You fiddled around with them, getting to a padlock key and unlocked the cupboard. Here you kept your gun and holster, so it was out of reach of your son.

You grabbed out the two and put them in your bag, not planning on putting it on your person until Declan left with his father. You both walked out to the busy street, people walking and some running past the both of you. You grabbed ahold of your sons hand, telling him to look to both sides of the street, while you did the same.

"Do you see any cars?" you asked.

There's not, but you're trying to teach him, since his stupid father doesn't. He just crosses the street with him without a care on the world. He's an asshole.

"Nope! No cars!" your son looked up at you and you smiled at him, starting to cross the street.

"Remember, honey, you have to do that every time. ..." you reminded, smiling at him again "...Even when you're as old as me."

"So a hundred years old!" he exclaimed, the two of you stepping on the path.

You rolled your eyes and laughed softly, letting go of his hand and taking off his bag. Not even a second later, he started to run as fast as he could to the unoccupied swing and you followed after him, preparing your arms, for how high you were going to have to push your son.

"You couldn't have just have waited at your apartment, hey?"

You rolled your eyes at the annoyed voice and turned around seeing Dean. You crossed your arms and let out a sigh. You don't know what you saw in this man.

"He wanted to go to the park..." you shrugged " it a crime to take him a fucking park?"

"Daddy!" Declan called out, hearing his running footsteps.

"Hey champ. ..." Dean called back, leaning down and opening his arms for a hug, which your son gladly accepted "...You ready to go?"

"It sucks he doesn't see the monster his father is." you thought.

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