Has To Be Perfect | Javier Pena

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(dual pov)

javi's pov
I sat at the bar, my head in the hands. I've had a long day. Me and my partner went on a raid which turned out to be an ambush. We were so close to be killed. While he went to see his wife and kids, I'm sat in a bar. I need a wind down. I just want to forget the night.

I dug into my pocket, grabbing out my packet of cigarettes and lighter. I lit one up and immediately took a drag, inhaling deeply. A cloud of smoke surrounded me, my leg bouncing slightly as I looked at the wooden bar beneath me.

I need a fucking drink—actually the whole bottle, but I doubt the bartender would serve it to me. I put my hand half up, flagging down the bartender.

"What would you like?" he asked.

"Whiskey." I muttered, taking another drag.

The bartender walked away and some laughing caught my attention. I turned my head to the side, seeing a group of women. They're all in matching dresses, joking around with each other. My guess is bridesmaids.

But there is one that immediately catches my attention. Like the others, the woman has on a sage green dress with a slit, showing off her thigh. Her hair fell down just below her shoulders, it curled a bit. She's gorgeous.

"Mate, your drink."

The bartender's voice got my attention and I turned around, grabbing the drink. I'm definitely going to need more then one. I downed it quickly, trying to give myself some liquid courage to try an approach. I looked back at her and tapped my fingers on the empty glass.

I need a bit more. There is something about her that makes me feel nervous. Not the bad kind though. She seems so confident. The way she gets everyone's attention by talking, or just by her smile. She radiates an energy that everyone loves—and everyone loves her. I turned back to the bartender.

"Could I get another?"

The bartender took the glass from my hand and walked off to fill it up. I looked back at the woman, seeing one of her friends putting their arm around her neck.

"Girl! You are the only one of us who isn't in relationship..." her friend spoke, slurring a little "...You need..you need to find a man. You can't...you know, you can't just sleep with people, you need to find a man."

"I'm perfectly fine by myself."

She isn't slurring. It's clear that she isn't as drunk as her friends.

"I don't need to find a man, Mina. ..." she sighed "...I'm completely fine being on my own."


I quickly grabbed the drink, turning back around so I doesn't miss the conversation.

"You are a special agent for the FBI!—"

"Lower your voice, Mina!..." she whisper yelled "...I can't let people know I work for the—."

"Special agent, hey?" I spoke to myself quietly.

"Yes..yes, whatever. Now..now, as I was saying..." the friend stumbled a little and the girl quickly grabbed her, helping her get her footing "...you've got a cool ass job..an—and all you need now is a man..to..to fall in love with. Than your life will be complete!"

She looked at her friend annoyed but nodded. I continued to watch her, trying to figure her out before I attempt an approach. I'm not going to lie, I've always been good at approaching a woman, but I'm not sure if I want to approach a group of them. I sipped the last of my drink, just hoping she would look my way.

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