'ITS FREEZING!' She yelled.

'Your the one who decided to jump in you crazy girl.' I flickered her nose as I spoke. She gave me a cheeky grin and her eyes widened. Cold water hit my head causing me to shiver.

'Are you really starting this again? Remember what happened the other day?' I asked her. She looked up at the sky, as if she was thinking about it.

'Yeah but Jake isn't here to kiss me this time.' She said to me. I couldn't help but smile at her. 'Race you to the island!' She yelled, swimming ahead to the little island in the centre of the lake. This little camping forest site thingy – what ever you want to call it – is amazing. There’s always somewhere different to explore. I over took her in seconds and reached the island before her.

'How do you do that?' She questioned. I gave her a puzzled look and she sighed, giving me a duh look. 'Swim so fast and be so elegant at the same time. When I swim fast I look like a drowning dolphin.' She explained as she sat on the bay of the island.

'Its a talent.' I boasted.


We've been walking to waterfall for a few day. Just me and Eden. Nobody else wants to hike up there and join us, but today Eden's convinced everyone to join us. Joy. In the past few days we've made it to the water fall in twenty minutes or so. Not today - Jake stops every five minutes to rest, Harriet and Margaret are wearing six inch heels and can only walk at half a mile and hour. Matt and Maisy can keep up with us and Hans is managing to keep up but he's cover in sweat. Aubrey's making the walk look easy, texting away as she walks, Ralf can't walk and text at the same time. So he's incredibly slow but keeps jogging to keep up.

'How much further? My feet are killing me!' Margaret whined. She is so irritating, if she hadn't worn a skin thigh dress and heels maybe she could walk faster.

Nearly two hours later we arrived at the top of the waterfall, I'd gone a head and dropped our bags off at the bottom so they wouldn't get wet before rejoining the group. Everyone fell to the floor in exhaust from the journey. If they come up tomorrow I'm walking a head and leaving them behind.

'We're supposed to jump off that?' Maisy looked over and gasped.

'It's fun, honestly. Nothing dangerous.' I reassured her. I like Maisy, she the only one of the bimbo group I like, she was the one who stole my phone off Harriet for me.

'Promise?' I nodded and we shook pinkies. Everyone took of there clothes and revealed there swimsuits.

'I'll go first.' Jake stepped up to the edge, I could see his knee's wobbling and I heard him gulp. Why is he trying to be the big man when he clearly isn't. He let a big sigh and jumped, as he fell he let out a manly scream. I chuckled as he belly flopped in to the water once again.

'Now you've seen how not to do it, who else would like a go?' I asked smirking. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Eden smiling at me.

'Why don't you go if your so tough?' Hans challenged.

'I would but we have to make sure you chickens jump as well.'

'Your all a bunch of girl!' Aubrey said pushing her way through the crowd of people. I must admit she looked good in her swimsuit. A pale pink bikini that tied around her neck. She looked hot. She grabbed my cheeks with her thumb and index finger. 'There's no need to drool, close your mouth darling.' And with that she jumped, elegantly entering the water in a straight line. Maisy and Matt were at the edge in seconds, falling hand in hand.

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