"N-not at all darlin'" Anamaria stuttered out as she turned her head to the side to try and hide the blush that raised to her cheeks at how close the man was. Back home she had never had a man be so attentive of her and now that she was starting to care about the blond cook, she flustered even easier "But what was that? That wasn't human, right?"

"It's a cyborg who looks just like Bartholomew Kuma. The most natural possibility is that he was a twin brother or a super look-alike who was modified" Franky explained.

"I fell like he's about to get to his feet at any moment" Nami panted out.

"The best thing we can do now is get rid of as many as we can" Robin said as she stood up "More might come for us now"

"Let's rest up a bit. I didn't think we'd have to fight for our lives so soon" Luffy said as he blew up to his original form once more "Ana! Help me please" he pouted.

The woman sighed and approached her captain as he held his arms out to her, coating her hands in water from her bottle and running it over Luffy's scratches and bruises until all that was left was the dirt since she also wanted to reserve enough water for the other ones.

"You idiots got some nerve!" a voice called down from the trees making them all look up to see the figures on the branches.

"Hoisa!" the voice called before leaping off of the branch with another person and they came crashing down onto the ground "Oy, you're a disgrace, PX-4. It costs as much as an entire warship to build one Pacifista like you. Damn it! How do I inform doctor Punk of this! "

It was another Kuma-looking cyborg and it was standing next to the speaker, who was a stocky man with short black hair and wore a red bib that was secured around his waist with a thick red and white rope. He carried a battle axe that was bigger than his own body.

"The Warlord of the Sea is here!" Chopper shrieked in fear as he ran behind Anamaria making her let go of her water.

"Is it the real one or the cyborg?!" Usopp yelled.

"No" Ana told them shortly after she had tried to do the same thing she had tried with the first one.

"Ohoo you seem to have a very unique talent" Sentoumaru said.

"We don't have enough strength left to fight them" he warned everyone under his breath.

"And who the hell are you Battle Axe!?" Franky shouted out.

"How dare you call people by their weapons' names" Battle Axe stated "It's no use asking me questions. I ain't gotta tell you nothing. I got the toughest defence in the world and the most tight-lipped"

"You can at least tell us your name!" Usopp shouted exasperatedly.

"I have no reason to answer anything" Battle Axe insisted "I already told you "I'm Sentomaru, the most tight-lipped guy in the world!" Anamaria nearly slapped her hand to her forehead at the pure stupidity of the comment.

"So you're Sentomaru" Usopp said as he folded his arms and nodded with satisfaction. The man's eyes widened but then it returned to being a scowl.

"Just so you know, I voluntarily told you that. I wasn't answering your question" he turned to the cyborg behind him "Let's begin, PX-1!" Sentomaru ordered and the cyborg behind him began to power up.

The cyborg behind him blew up forcing them to back away from them.

"It looks like, we need to get away from here" Luffy ordered to his nakama "But not all together. We'll split into groups!" he looked over at Sanji and Zoro "The three of us should split up"

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