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As always if you see any errors please tell me. 

"Tell me which way to go..." Luffy nods as he gently sets his crew mate down.

Aisa silently agrees as she points in the direction that his friends are heading, so he can run off on his own. Aisa rushes to get on Pierre's back and flies off to guide the pirate in finding the god that's caused this island so much grief.


Nami quietly follows Eneru through the island as she drags her waver with her. She looks nervously to Anamaria, who's still unconscious on Eneru's shoulder, and hopes that she'll wake up before she has to put the sea stone on her, so they can escape.

"S-so, how long until reach the ship?" she tries to stall for time by looking around their surroundings.

"Not long." Eneru says as he leads them through a cavern entrance without missing a step. She swallows a lump in her throat when he stops responding as he keeps leading them forward.

Nami gives him a completely fake grin each time he looks back at her as they reach a clearing in the deepest part of the cave where the ship is being held. When the navigator looked at the magnificent wooden ark with a golden face in on the middle of the ship, she was shell shocked. What she truly can't believe though, are the propellers and paddles that are surrounding the ship.

"Don't tell me..."

"Surprised, aren't you? Well you should be. This flying ship is the only one suitable for and can only be controlled by me. This is the Ark Maxim" Eneru grins at her surprise as he moves towards the vessel.

"This is bad..." Nami tenses up at the flying ship then looks at Anamaria who appeared to be mumbling under her breath.

"Don't dawdle" Eneru says which snaps her back to reality.

She timidly looks at the sea stone on the waver, that Eneru will have her use on her friend. She knows that she can't toss it or else she'll get electrocuted, so she reluctantly follows him aboard with a heavy heart.


'Ana opened her eyes with a small groan as she felt the stiffness of her body and muscles. Once she makes sure that she finally feels well enough to move, she tries to move forward only to freeze when she saw where she was. From the busy and dirty streets to the constant pirates walking around the hidden city.

'The hell...' her thoughts are cut off when a familiar large man came up in her direction and shoved a crate of glass bottles into the arms of the small child right behind her who mumbled something and walked in front of Anamaria letting her get a look at who it was.

The kid had black raven coloured and matted as she shuffled forward despite the weight of the crate in her small arms. She couldn't be more than seven years of age As Anamaria looked at the back of the girl's head she recognised the green gem attached to the necklace she was wearing.

"Why am I back here?" she asked herself while looking at her younger self go into the bar she worked at from Tortuga Island only to get completely startled as someone phased through her as if she was not there.

She remembered how her first years in this place were hard, thinking that she had been abandoned by her parents to live in that place. She kept still as the landscape around her suddenly shifted right as she caught a familiar older man with her own raven hair looking into the bar her younger self had just gone into.

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