i can't keep getting pushed back into her world, i really can't.


it's best that
we don't talk to
one another anymore

hear me out for a second

i'm actually so
fucking done with this

i'm so sorry please
please please let me explain
i swear this was a mistake

you sure make a lot of mistakes

i do
i'm so sorry
i'm trying so hard
to change please faye
i'm trying to change for you

you've said this all before
come up with new lines

i know that i'm horrible
i don't deserve you
but i just need you to understand

i've understood enough
bye sadie
don't contact me anymore
i'm serious

— ★ —

"i wish i had something like luke and lorelai do" finn groans.

he and i lay in my bed, nibbling on semi-burnt toast while binging gilmore girls on my laptop.

a massive part of my self growth plan is this. just spending hours with finn, rewatching shows we've practically memorised at this point.

"i don't think that exists in real life" i sigh, patting his head as a gesture of sympathy.

"i need a job"

finn furrows his brows, chuckling at my sudden comment. "yeah?"

"i can't live off of you forever"

he shrugs. "who says you can't?"

i sigh. "finn, i'm serious"

"okay" he nods, switching the tab.

"what are you doing?"

"well, instead of lying around complaining, let's try actually looking for something"

— ★ —

i sit infront of my laptop, carefully typing up a resume. i proudly click submit on the application, crossing my fingers.

finn had helped me find a job offer at a digital marketing agency. it's not the most high-paying option, but it's good enough for now.

within a few moments, i receive a call from the interviewer.

i take a deep breath prior to answering the call.

𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐘 | sadie sinkDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora