As soon as we stepped onto the beach font Amy started dribbling over the toned and tanned Sicilian men.

"Fuc-king hell" she shouted as she turned her head from left to right and then up and down.

"You good?" I asked her before letting out a short laugh

"I'm more than good" she replied, not taking her eyes off an extremely good looking man, whilist taking her kaftan off.

"Let's go sit there" she pointed at two empty sunbeds.

We sat down and she tied her bikini top tighter around her neck, clearly pushing up her boobs.

"Dude, seriously you need help and a good chiropractor after this"

"It's well worth it" she winked.

"I literally have fanny flutters" she sort of whispered.

"You have what?" I cringed.

"You know fanny flutters"

"That's the most vile thing I've heard you say... ever and that's saying something" I laughed.

The guy she was staring at headed to the bar that was situated to the right of us on the beach and she followed not even asking what I wanted to drink.

I really hoped he didn't speak English.

I took my beach shirt off, kicked my sandals off and lay back on the sun lounger, I had a feeling Amy was going to be a while.

I closed my eyes and that night, the last time I saw him kept flashing through my mind.

I wondered if he was okay, I was hoping he hadn't lost control and most of all I hoped he understood why I did what I did.

Tears started to form in the corner of my eyes, luckily I had put my sun glasses on.

I causally placed my hand on my tummy and in my head I kept apologising profusely to Colson and our baby and then before I knew it my thoughts had gone from what had happened with Colson to panic about what I was going to do because in less than 7 months time I was going to have a baby, I had no idea what I was going to do about medical care in the meantime or where I was going to live and what was going to happen if Colson found me, was he going to be so angry he would try and take the baby away?

Breathe, Amber, Breathe I told myself, he wouldn't do that.

Just then Amy came back.

"Hey" she smiled innocently.

"How's the flutters" I lifted my sunglasses up and winked.

She rolled her eyes and handed me a drink.

"What's this?" I asked as I could smell the fumes of alcohol drifting off it.

"It's a mojito"

I held the drink back out for her to take back off me

"I can't drink that, I'm pregnant?"

"Oh shit Amber! I'm really sorry, I was distracted, I didn't think, I'll go get you something else"

"It's fine" I told her

"Sure?" she asked and I nodded.

"Okay, well, guess what?"


"I've spoken to Alessandro and he has asked us to join him for dinner tonight an.."

"Who?" I cut her off

"You know the sex god!"

"Right, silly me and just out of curiosity what do you mean WE?"

"I got talking to him and told him I was on holiday with you and he suggested you come along"

"No way"


"What do you mean why?, it's weird that's why, I'm not joining you on your date and I'd rather you didn't go either, we are in a foreign country, you don't know him, he could be a serial killer!"

"Didnt you get in a car with an American rockstar? Fuck him on his bonnet and then wound up having his baby?"

She got me again, so I stayed quiet.

"Amber! Please don't ruin this for me" she begged and pouted.

"You don't want me to go by myself do you? As you said yourself he could be a serial killer"

"Fine" I rolled my eyes.

We spent the next few hours at the beach, I replaced my drink with something non alcoholic, a coke with Ice, and I managed to loosen up, we chatted and laughed and Amy kept pointing out certain random men and explaining the things she would like to do with them.

We also rented paddleboards and headed out into the water, which was fun because neither of us had any balance or any clue what we were doing or told to do to stay safe but it was hilarious each time one of us fell off and had to get back on.


We got back to the villa and each had showers to get rid of the sand and the salty sea water.

I blow dryed my hair into big bouncy curls, applied some light make up and wore my signiture colour, a black short summer dress which was paired with gold wedges and a gold bag.

I then proceeded downstairs to Amy who was dressed and sat waiting for me at the breakfast bar.

She looked gorgeous, her hair was just past her shoulders and straight and she wore a red long summer dress that had a slit up the thigh she also wore gold wedges but hers tied up her legs.

"Ready?" she asked, I nodded and we headed outside to wait for the taxi.

Eventually, we arrived at a restaurant called Granduca that was located on the seafront.

A pang of guilt washed over me and I didn't know why, I wasn't on a date, I wasn't interested in anyone infact I never wanted to be with anyone ever again after the experience I just had, I don't even think I could ever love anyone again after all this but for some reason I couldnt shake the feeling and it got worse as we walked through the door because Amy's new friend Alessandro was already there, sat down... With another man sat next to him.

"Amy what the actual fuck!" I clenched my teeth at her

"I swear, I didn't know he was bringing anyone" she grabbed my arm as I went to walk out.

"I'm off" I told her trying to shake her hand off me, but before I had the chance to leave, a voice with an extremely thick accent spoke "Ahhh Amy there you are and you must be Amb-er" he kissed Amy on the cheek and then me.

"Come Bella" he grabbed her by the hand and her eyes pleaded with me.

I sighed and she grabbed my arm.

We sat down and before I had the chance to make it clear that I was not on a date with anyone nor interested in dating anyone Alessandro spoke again "This is Angelo... My husband"

I turned towards Amy and the look on her face was priceless, she looked at me and I smirked.

"Hi Angelo" we both said in unison.

"Wheres the toilets?" I asked and he pointed in the direction that they were located.

"Thanks, we won't be long" I smiled "Come on Amy" she stood up and followed me.

We entered the toilets and I couldn't help but laugh I really tried my hardest to keep it in but I couldn't and then eventually Amy joined in.

We fixed our make up, I gave her a hug and a prep talk and we went back out to join the men who we were not voluntarily or unvoluntarily on a date with.

I can honestly say that was one of the best nights of my life, Alessandro and Angelo were as fabulous as it gets, they made us laugh so much and that was exactly what we needed.

It took my mind off what was going on, even if it was just for a few hours.

Who's that knocking at 4 in the morning? Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum